Keeping It 'Reels'
If you're following me on Twitter, Truth Social or Instagram, you've probably noticed that I've been trying my digital-hand at posting reels. In general I've been more active on social media, keeping with my promise to be a better, more dedicated communicator in 2023.
It dawned on me that very few people who find me on social media will actually visit my blog. On social media people are looking for quick little shots of truth or entertainment. They don't go to social media only to then be forwarded to a long-form post like a blog. So I'm trying to utilize social media as a separate evangelization tool. A tool connected to my blog, but capable of evangelizing on its own. Only God will know if it really pays off in the end. But all I have to do is put out the work. It's up to the Holy Spirit to get people to it. So I'm keeping up my end of the deal.
Anyway, here are a couple of reels I've posted that you may like.
Please follow me on Twitter, Truth Social or Instagram to keep up with my updates and posts, as well as new reels and other graphics. I try not to post boring updates. Every time I post to any of the socials I try to make it substantial and interesting or helpful in some way, whether it's in a new post, or when I reply or quote/retweet others' posts.
If you see something there that you like please click Like and/or share/retweet it. Sharing is evangelizing. God bless you all
Ave Maria, Virgo Fidelis