Tips on How to Be Spiritually Proactive
Breathe new life into your spirituality. It's too easy to rest on our spiritual laurels. Let's get practical and proactive about taking your spiritual life to the next level.
Before Christianity ‘Threatened’ Secular Culture
Before there was tension between the Christian “world” (Catholic/Christian culture) and the secular world, there was an undivided culture throughout the Christian West. Here’s a crash course on that history.
Its Time to Get Back to Basics
Sometimes in life we lose our way, and it’s a gift to come to a realization of it. But we have to do something with that realization. This is my story, and my new direction.
What is Knowledge? It’s More than ‘Knowing’
There’s a Difference Between Knowing, and Knowing, Especially in Catholic Life. Even the Legendary John Cleese Touches on this in a surprising video on his Substack.
Gender Is About More than Genitals
Something thing we have to move away from is the idea that gender is about genetalia, or even about chromosomes. It involves those thing, but gender about much more than that.
Understanding the Difference Between Credo and Fidei
In the church today we suffer from a deficiency of ‘Credo’ and and the progressive absence of ‘Fidei’ But what is the difference between Credo and Fidei? Why does it even matter? Here’s a 2-minute crash to answer that question.
‘The Business is in the Mess’ of Catholic life
We always want the clean Catholic experience. But the truth is, ‘the business is in the mess!’
Quitting Catholicism
This is a video, and a short essay. This is my analysis of the risks of failure in Catholic evangelization and education. When we only teach the faith selectively, with timidity, or with ignorance (willfully or not) we practically invite the Catholic faithful to leave the Catholic Church and faith.
On Good and Evil
The Bible has a strong warning to those who attempt to swap Good and Evil. Also, why does evil exist in the first place?
Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost?
Is Holy Ghost More Authentically Catholic, or more Traditional than Holy Spirit? Is one more/less Correct to use?
Meditation Makes Saints
A primer on Christian meditation and some insights from the saints and the Catechism that will get you ready for this powerful form of prayer that is a guaranteed “saint-maker”
Understanding Belief vs. Faith
I want to talk to you about Credo versus Fidei. This little write-up is basically a summary of the what’s in the episode. I go a lot deeper in the episode, and I hope you’ll give it a watch/listen. If you're a frequent listener, you've probably heard me talk upon these themes before. If you’re new to the podcast, you’re in for a smoker!
Reflections on Aquinas: Gossip, Slander, Reviling
Free speech is a natural human right. But that comes with the responsibility to not do intentional harm with our words. Here are my reflections on what St. Thomas Aquinas has to say about such things.
VIDEO: What’s In YOUR ‘Wallet’?
What’s in your spiritual treasury? In this short video I share a personal encounter with three priests, leading to a reflection on the idea that what has our attention has our mind, and ultimately our heart.
The Legacy of St. Anthony of the Desert (Copy)
Embarking on a journey back in time to explore the fascinating life and legacy of one of my absolute favorite saints, St. Anthony of the Desert
An Advent Homily That Missed the Mark inspired My Advent Message
Returning to the parish of my youth, I was a little disappointed with the state of preaching there, and was particularly let down by the Advent homily. I turned lemons into lemonade by using it as a springboard to my own Advent message video
Embracing the Battle: Spiritual Combat in Our Daily Lives
When we're worn out and tired and experiencing spiritual burnout, the question looms: where do I go from here? I—as many ordinary Catholics—occasionally find myself in this state
You Are Saints in the Making!
Reflecting on my passion for the saints on this All Saints Day, and why it translates to a passion for YOU.
Personal Conscience vs Church Authority
In the ongoing dialogue between personal conscience and Church authority, a bold statement stands out, by someone you may not expect.