Embracing the Battle: Spiritual Combat in Our Daily Lives
When we're worn out and tired and experiencing spiritual burnout, the question looms: where do I go from here? I—as many ordinary Catholics—occasionally find myself in this state
Personal Conscience vs Church Authority
In the ongoing dialogue between personal conscience and Church authority, a bold statement stands out, by someone you may not expect.
Existence and Being (Clip)
This is a five minute clip from "Aquinas' Five Ways, Ep. 4" available to paid members of my Locals Community. You'll find chapter markers and transcript in the player.
Infinite Dignity - Proper Theological Methodology
Theological claims from flawed conclusions start with bad theological methodology. Here is what I propose is proper theological methodology, regarding the infinite dignity of man
Catholic Karate!
Is your Karate strong? Let's go back to the 80s to discover what karate has to do with Catholic confidence.
Should We Pray in Latin? (Freeview)
Is it beneficial, pointless, or dangerous to pray in Latin? The answer to all three is "Yes!"
Hard Questions Honor Truth
Today, we delve into a topic that is often misunderstood and sometimes even controversial: the role of theologians or bishops asking uncomfortable questions about Catholic theology or teaching.
What is Faith? We see it, in perfection, in Blessed Virgin Mary
Discussing what faith truly is, and how it's demonstrated in this pivotal moment in scripture—the Annunciation
Unveiling the Sacred in Everyday Life
Do we see the extraordinary in the familiar? We often overlook the magnitude of events that we deem trivial, or ordinary. But these moments might actually be momentous, if you're paying attention to them.
Unraveling 'Discrepancies" in the Gospel's Resurrection Narratives
Are the Gospel accounts of the Resurrection believable? Here I address what might be an uncomfortable fact that the Resurrection narratives in the Gospels don't exactly line up.
Faith Beyond "Orthodoxy" and Embracing Holiness in the Footsteps of the Saints
Orthodoxy (right, correct belief and practice of the Catholic faith) is indispensable. But it is not a replacement for holiness. It's a means to that end, not the end itself.
A Baby is Not a Parasite
This is my very heated response to one of the dumbest anti-life arguments I have ever heard.