On Dennis Prager's Perplexing Porn Comments

How Did Dennis Prager Get it so Wrong about Pornography? I'll Tell You!

Conservative commentator Dennis Prager made waves recently over comments on pornography which he shared on Jordan Peterson's discussion on the book of Exodus. During the discussion, he was asked by Jordan Peterson, "What's the stance [in Judaism] on pornography?" Prager surprisingly responded that,

"Men want variety and, if pornography...is a substitute for adultery, it’s not awful."

Wrong! Back to that in a second.

I saw this hilarious satyrical post by the Babylon Bee on someone's Twitter feed. I commented on it with my thoughts as to why Dennis Pragar got this wrong and why most Jews trip and fall when making statements about moral theology. The tweet is below, or just scroll down passed it for the full text.

It isn't the first time I've heard a faithful Jew say something outrageous pertaining to moral issues that aren't explicit in scripture. Ben Shapiro, as another example, thinks convicted sex offenders should be castrated as part of their sentence! So why did Prager get this wrong, and why do those in Judaism commonly fail in matters of moral theology? I'll build a bit on what I said in my Tweet/Comment:

Full Comment

"I like Prager and I love my Jewish “cousins” in faith. But as a Catholic I have frequently found that when my Jewish brethren venture into moral theology they trip and fall miserably because they have no central, authoritative teaching body. Nor a body of work in moral theology to stand on and be guided by (St. Alphonso’s Liguori would be one of ours) For them It’s usually all about personal interpretation guided in part by the Old Testament,in part by rabbinic tradition (which is not authoritative) and in large part by feelings and their own opinions. Can’t get to Truth that way! The secular world has been trying that for a few hundred years and look where it is today."

Dennis Prager, being Jewish, has no New Testament faith. So his moral theology is dramatically uninformed and the words of Jesus and St. Paul are not factored into his opinions on pornography. Namely,

"Anyone who looks at another woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Mat. 5:28)


Marriage should be honored and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge adulterers and all sexual immorality" (Hebrews 14:4)

In addition to the absence of New Testament guidance, Jews also have no guidance from a central authoritative teaching body, such as the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, nor do they have a body of authoritative work to stand on, such as the works of the likes of Sts. Alphonsus Ligouri and Thomas Aquinas. For a Jew, those men are merely philosophers of a false religion. Their distinction and credibility as Doctors of the Church or authoritative theologians have no meaning for those who practice Judaism.

Thank God for the Church he established through Jesus Christ, on the Rock that is Peter, and for the spiritual and intellectual formation of great saints and theologians who guide us in the Truth. My dear brothers and sisters in the Church, take a moment to appreciate how blessed you are to be Catholic and pray for the conversion of others so that they can enjoy the party here.

Ave Maria, Virgo Fidelis.

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