How Do We Obtain Peace

Some words of wisdom from St. Francis DeSales and St. Juan De Bonilla

Let us have the pure intention of will to do all things for the honor and glory of God; let us do the little that we can toward that end, and let us leave it to God to take care of all the rest. God is not so terrible with those who love Him. He is content with very little because He knows well that we don't have much.

And know that Our Lord is called the Prince of Peace in Scripture and, consequently, wherever He is the absolute master, He maintains all things in peace. It is nevertheless true that before bringing peace to a given place, He makes war with it, separating the heart and the soul of the most loved, familiar and ordinary affections—exaggerated love of self, confidence in and complacency with oneself, and similar affections.

God is the God of Peace Because love only resides in peace, always be careful to conserve the #holy tranquility of heart that I have so often recommended to you. None of the thoughts that render us anxious and agitated in spirit in any way comes from God, Who is the Prince of Peace. These are the temptations of the enemy and consequently one must reject them and not take them into account.

-Above quotes are from St. Francis de Sales, Letter to the Abbess du Puy d'Obre

Take care never to let your heart be troubled, saddened, agitated or involved in that which can cause it to lose its peace. Work always to remain tranquil because the Lord says "Happy are those who are at peace"

St. Juan de Bonilla


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