You Are Saints in the Making!
Reflecting on my passion for the saints on this All Saints Day, and why it translates to a passion for YOU.
Faith Beyond "Orthodoxy" and Embracing Holiness in the Footsteps of the Saints
Orthodoxy (right, correct belief and practice of the Catholic faith) is indispensable. But it is not a replacement for holiness. It's a means to that end, not the end itself.
How to "Be Perfect"
Perfection is only a Reality in Heaven. So why does Jesus tell us to "Be perfect"?
How Do We Obtain Peace
Some wisdom from the saints guide us to finding and maintaining peace
Is Joe Biden Catholic? "Yes"!
This is a question that has been discussed before Joe Biden, and will continue to be debated for the next four years of President Biden's administration, and beyond. The question: Can we say that Joe Biden is a Catholic, given his vocal and active rejection of a core teachings of the Catholic faith—namely, and perhaps among other things, the Church's teaching on abortion?