Existence and Being (Clip)
This is a five minute clip from "Aquinas' Five Ways, Ep. 4" available to paid members of my Locals Community. You'll find chapter markers and transcript in the player.
The Choirs of Angels, According to Aquinas
Choirs of angels are not singing. So what are the angelic choirs? Let’s delve into that angelic hierarchy, according to St. Thomas Aquinas
For Aquinas, Truth is What it Is. Literally.
Exploring St. Thomas Aquinas philosophy of Truth, including the differences between Ontological and Logical Truths
We're No Angels
No, I’m not talking about the 80’s film that starred Robert DeNiro and Sean Penn (Which was actually a remake of the 1955 film by the same name, which starred Humphrey Bogart). The title of this blog post has a literal meaning.
Love well. Change the world
Have we lost the basic understanding of the nature and power of Love?