Personal Conscience vs Church Authority
In the ongoing dialogue between personal conscience and Church authority, a bold statement stands out, by someone you may not expect.
Catholic Karate!
Is your Karate strong? Let's go back to the 80s to discover what karate has to do with Catholic confidence.
Faith Beyond "Orthodoxy" and Embracing Holiness in the Footsteps of the Saints
Orthodoxy (right, correct belief and practice of the Catholic faith) is indispensable. But it is not a replacement for holiness. It's a means to that end, not the end itself.
Coronavirus From a Catholic Perspective
How should Catholics—and all Christians—live out these days of the Coronavirus pandemic?
It's Hard Being Human
It's hard to be a human. Its easy to screw it up, because we're very complex creatures, created in God's image. So what's the secret to getting it right?