Palm Sunday Reflection
Today, the people will exultantly shout, "Hosanna, hosanna!" and line the path of Jesus to throw palms on the ground before him.On Good Friday, they'll shout, "Crucify him, crucify him!" and line up along the path to Golgotha to spit on him.
Unveiling the Sacred in Everyday Life
Do we see the extraordinary in the familiar? We often overlook the magnitude of events that we deem trivial, or ordinary. But these moments might actually be momentous, if you're paying attention to them.
Jesus Was Lonely, Too
We have plenty of connections, but no genuine relationships. How did Jesus deal with loneliness at one of the most vulnerable moments in his life?
The Oft-Forgotten Point of Advent
Where Are You Going?
There is a legend in Christian tradition that recounts a story in the apocryphal Acts of Peter. According to the legend, as Peter was fleeing crucifixion in Rome...
Come to Me, and "Become" me
My thoughts on today's Mass readings, 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Strong, Ordered Faith
When the going gets tough, do we scatter like sheep without a shepherd? What do we learn about the true nature of our frail and sometimes feeble faith when we look at the Apostles' example in Mark 14?
Are you Judas, Peter, or John?
These three apostles have something in common, but they are distinctly different. Which one of them reflects who you really are? An honest examination of conscience may change your answer.
Give Jesus His Heart's Desire
In today's Gospel Jesus asks the Samaritan woman for a mere drink of water. There's a hidden lesson to consider there!
Joy and Thanksgiving
Joy and thanksgiving seem like corny, melodramatic words. But they have a deep and rich importance in our human experience, and it's important to grow in our understanding of them, and to express them in our life.
Is Bieber a Believer?
Justin Bieber has abandoned the Easter Bunny in favor of Jesus Christ this Easter...
You Need God's Mercy. Ask for it!
There are many reasons why you might be someone who's asleep on Sundays while others are at mass. But I want you to know something, and I give this to you not out of judgement, but out of love for you.
Be Like Jesus
What's the secret to self mastery, and being a solid human person? Be like Jesus! Here's how.