Growth Vs. Change
The rituals and traditions of Catholicism offer a sense of continuity and connection to the past. But the Church is ALIVE. It doesn't not exist in the past, it exists through time.
Come to Me, and "Become" me
My thoughts on today's Mass readings, 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Learn From a Whale
After Receiving Communion
Here Are Some Prayers You Might Consider After Returning to Your Pew After Receiving Holy Communion
How to Pursue Truth
The pursuit of Truth isn't about "learning" so much as about discovery. Here are Some Tips on How to Pursue Truth Through Discovery.
How to "Be Perfect"
Perfection is only a Reality in Heaven. So why does Jesus tell us to "Be perfect"?
When Prayer isn't Prayer
Sometimes Our Prayer is Vain and Not Holy. It's the same as No Prayer At All. When God Corrects That, We May, for a Time, Feel Prayer-Disabled. But It's Part of the Process.
St. Augustine, on Maintaining Unity in Spite of Scancals
One of the most serious issues in the Church is a lack of unity. St. Augustine had a few things to say about that.
Hard to Pray? Here's Some Help!
Building a prayer life from nothing or rebuilding a prayer life that has crumbled can be difficult to do. These tips will help you!
Does God Cause Good Things to Happen?
God doesn’t do evil. But does he do Good things? Is he active in the Good things in our lives, or did he just set them in motion at the beginning of time, letting the chips fall where they may?
How Do We Obtain Peace
Some wisdom from the saints guide us to finding and maintaining peace
Every Mass is a Gift
On Annulments
This Twitter File was a response to one of my followers regarding annulments in the Catholic Church.
It's Said of St. Joseph...
There is no Better Source of Wisdom Regarding St. Joseph than that of the Saints Who Loved Him.
Liberty is No Heirloom
“Liberty is no heirloom. It requires the daily bread of self-denial, the salt of law and, above all, the backbone of acknowledging responsibility for our deeds.”
Those Persecuting the Church Should Be Wary
Persecution of the Church is not Persecution of an Institution, but an Assault Against The Just Judge
On Dennis Prager's Perplexing Porn Comments
How Did Dennis Prager Get it so Wrong about Pornography? I'll Tell You!
Hold On, Men!
Are there any Strong Men Left to Fight for God against the Principalities and the Powers of this Dark World?
Jesus Rescues Us From Our Prisons
Sometimes Spiritual Struggle, or Life's trials and Stresses leave us feeling like we're in our own personal "realm of the dead". Holy Saturday shows us why we have to have hope in the "master of rescue missions.
Strong, Ordered Faith
When the going gets tough, do we scatter like sheep without a shepherd? What do we learn about the true nature of our frail and sometimes feeble faith when we look at the Apostles' example in Mark 14?