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[00:00:00] CA: Let’s do it.
[00:00:06] Yes, uh, that music may be, uh, a little rough, rugged, rough and rugged. Welcome, subscribers. Welcome to this subscriber only episode of the Catholic Experience. I am yours truly, the unbelievably handsome, Catholic Adventurer. Thank you very much for joining me today. We’re doing a little bit of a State of the Website.
[00:00:30] A State, a State of the Website episode. And really what that means is, the state of the church, lowercase c, church, talking about the laity today. Where I’m going with this apostolate. And, and, and why? It’s nothing earth shattering. Just, uh, in the reporting of what I’m going, of where we’re going forward, you’re going to learn some things about where we are, and how that brings you closer to holiness.
[00:00:56] Thank you again for your support of my apostolate. If, by chance, you’re not already doing so, please follow me on socials. @forthequeenBVM on X. At Cath Experience, if you want to follow the shows. Feed on X and I am a Catholic adventurer. I’m sorry. Catholic experience. The show is Catholic experience everywhere else.
New Show, New “Punch”
[00:01:19] CA: All right, let’s get down into the nitty gritty with it. First thing I wanted to share with you is the reason for that change of music. You, that was a little, that was a little bit rough, [00:01:30]a little bit. I liked it, but the user, the audience may not. I’m planning. I don’t know if I’ll execute this, but I’m planning.
[00:01:38] A show that hits a little bit harder than the Catholic experience does. I really need to search my heart and examine and question my motives with that. You know, I don’t know if it’s the right thing to do the show that I want to do, or to do the show that I, I guess I suspect better serves the church and the gospel.
[00:02:00] The Catholic experience, I think, Serves the gospel well. You, I mean, you wouldn’t know it by the numbers, but Look, if God doesn’t want it, it’s going to be a failure. If God does want it, nothing will stop its success. But I try to produce the show that I think will be the most receivable for people. Usually when I produce or create anything, I try to keep the target in mind.
[00:02:28] So I’ll try to produce something That is most receivable by the intended audience or the intended reader, whatever. I don’t necessarily produce the thing that I want to produce. I don’t necessarily create a thing in my image and likeness because I’m not the one receiving it. You are. So I try to create something that’s going to be more universally acceptable, receivable, and likable.
[00:02:57] Sometimes the Catholic Experience [00:03:00] podcast is not exactly what I would want to produce. I’m a little bit louder. I know that sounds crazy because some of my episodes of late has been a little bit loud and a little bit punchy. But I am a little bit louder than you usually, and sometimes I’m a little bit more tranquil than what you hear in the experience.
[00:03:23] But I do have some thoughts. About producing a show that is a little bit different from the Catholic experience I’m going to be praying on that I’m 50 50 on the idea It will be a little bit harder hitting It’ll be a little bit more blunt and bold but again, my first priority is does this serve the gospel?
[00:03:51] Or just does it or is it just a hobby? I’m producing the show that I want to produce it’s made in the image and likeness of me And this is just what the show is going to be. Well, then it shouldn’t be If it really effectively is just a hobby and i’m just doing it the way I want to do it that’s not what this apostolate or any apostolate should be about So i’m 50 50 on it.
[00:04:13] i’m going to pray On it. See what god wants that may be coming in the near future if it does Only subscribers will have access to it.
Remember “The Other” First
[00:04:24] CA: The thing that I want you to learn from that, remember as I said, as I’m reporting these things [00:04:30] I’m hoping to teach you, or to share knowledge with you. Something that I hope that you get from that is that the gospel has to be served first in our lives, in our homes, in our interactions with others.
[00:04:48] The gospel has to be shared first. I’m sorry. The gospel has to be served first in how we live it and how we express it You know It’s an easy thing to do to just do it our own way I’m talking about living the gospel living life, you know, or living life the way we want to live it or living the gospel the way we want to live it.
[00:05:11] That’s a very easy thing to do. If you’re, if you feel like you fail to do that, it doesn’t mean you’re evil. It does not mean you’re evil. It’s a grace that you recognize that and it just means that you have to try harder. Always keeping the other in mind. Always keeping the other in mind. in mind as I try to produce for the audience, right?
[00:05:36] If I’m for, let’s just make something up. If I’m producing a website for an older audience by older, I mean they’re in their late sixties, right? Let’s say it’s let’s say I’m redeveloping the website for AARP. It’s like, why would someone in their late sixties be on the internet? Well, there’s one reason.
[00:05:56] Maybe they’re going to the AARP website. I’m not going to design [00:06:00] that website. In my image and likeness, I’m going to design it for that audience. And if I’m designing a website for, I don’t know, a younger Catholic audience, younger by, you know, twenties to thirties, I still may not design it in my image and likeness because people in their twenties and thirties expect to see a different aesthetic.
[00:06:21] They expect a different kind of functionality, usually one that makes no sense, but that’s where their minds are, unfortunately. And I’m making a joke, but I’m being literal. If they want something that’s not structured very logically they like to be lost in a structure. So I might design something that gets them lost in the structure instead of something that’s built logically.
[00:06:42] You get my point. In living the gospel and living our lives, we have to do the same thing, keeping the other in mind, keeping the other in mind. There may be some people. You know, some others to whom you would say, if you do not change, you risk going to hell. And there may be some people who can’t handle that kind of bluntness.
[00:07:04] And you have to tell them that truth another way. Or you may have to tell them that truth across a number of different interactions, spread it out across a number of different interactions. Tell them the importance of holiness, the goodness of holiness. What does holiness mean? Because they might not even know what that really means.
[00:07:24] Holiness, living a good life, living a life that’s a reflection of Jesus Christ in the Gospels. [00:07:30] You know, charity, goodness, kindness, love, yadda. So you might start there, and the next interaction, you might, you know, find some way to cleverly share with them what it means to fall short of the mark of holiness, and so on.
[00:07:44] So, if you do not change your life, you risk going to hell. Might have to be spread out. In segments, across various across multiple interactions, right? So that might be how you share the gospel with that other. Which would be different from how you shared it with the first other in this example. If you don’t change, you might go to hell.
[00:08:11] Most people can’t manage, can’t handle that kind of bluntness. Most people will just turn you off and tune you out. Doesn’t matter how eloquent you are, if you start off with, if you don’t change, you’re going to hell. It does not matter what follows. Believe me, I’ve been in evangelization for 30 years, I think.
[00:08:29] Might be 35 years. Believe me, I know this. Believe me, I know this. Once they hear something that’s more blunt than what they can manage, It does not matter how charitable, how eloquent, how brilliant everything else that follows is, they will not hear it. They may stand there and pretend to listen, but they will not hear it.
[00:08:49] So, make sure that you’re living your life and living and expressing [00:09:00] the gospel with the other in mind. Very hard to do, because I think all of us are selfish by nature, some of us more than others. Very hard to do. Very hard to do, but you can do it if you try, you know, if you keep that in focus. Speaking of subscriber only episodes, I want to thank you again for supporting this apostolate. Community
[00:09:21] CA: You know, I don’t know who’s listening to this or when you’re going to listen to this, but as of my recording of it, I have painfully few subscribers. So I’ve started a locals community. It is pending approval. I can’t see why they would not approve it. Especially at Locals, where they’re pretty fair minded.
[00:09:40] They’re not, you know, like, liberal junkies or anything. Or even conservative junkies or anything. They’re pretty fair minded. So, I don’t see any reason why that wouldn’t go through. I expect that they’ll approve of it. And again, that’s catholicexperience. locals.
[00:09:57] com What does that mean for you as subscribers? I’m not sure yet. Locals? Is basically a community where you also So you have to I think you have to pay to join. I don’t think there’s a free Level, I think all of it you have to pay for So all of my community stuff that we’re able to do their live chat write posts not just me But the members as well other members people who join my community are also able to post and things like that I think all of that you have to [00:10:30] become a member of my local’s community, a paid member.
[00:10:32] I don’t think there’s a free level. Anyway, I’m talking this to death. What does that mean for you as subscribers? I’m going to do one of two things. First, I’m going to try out Locals to see if it works for me, for how I like to operate as a Catholic communicator. I’m going to try it out. And I may abandon.
[00:10:55] My own subscriber model at catholicadventurer. com. Not a ban on the site, but just stop managing subscribers on my own. And I may do all of my exclusive stuff through locals. That will include exclusive podcasts. It will include exclusive posts and articles. It will include live chatting. It will include aftershows.
[00:11:21] It will probably include actual video. I mean actual video where you actually see the people who are talking, including me, including my ugly face. And if I do, I still want to do,
[00:11:37] sorry about that break, I still want to do some webinars. Right. I want to do one or two or three on the church fathers, for instance. I still want to do that. If I do that, I may do that only on locals. I have to see how it’s going to go or existing subscribers. I may just give you a free pass to locals so that you don’t have to cancel your subscription on my [00:12:00] site and then do a new one on locals.
[00:12:01] I may just give you a pass that just never expires. Even if you cancel your subscription on my website, Just out of gratitude and love for you for trusting me thus far By becoming a subscriber including one of you know, you guys are my early subscribers, you know you guys Really showed some love and really showed a lot of trust Maybe out of gratitude, and I mean you can maintain your subscription on my website because whenever I post exclusively on Locals I will also post exclusively on my website, so you’ll still have access to it there.
[00:12:37] Whether you maintain your subscription to my website or not Option one that I’m considering is you’ll always have a perpetual membership to my Locals community and all of the exclusive stuff I put there. I may do that or Depending on things i’m not going to go through right now I may ask you to please cancel your subscription on my website and please join me on locals For the same five dollars a month or I may bump it up to 5.
[00:13:03] 99 because locals takes a pretty big piece of the pie And i’m already charging only five dollars. I mean, what’s five dollars doing to help me cover the expenses little to nothing, you know So I can’t have locals now saying 30 cents per You This and then 10 percent of your revenue and then there’s another fee too.
[00:13:20] I don’t remember what it was It’s like three different fees. It’s like holy cow. You guys are really greedy
[00:13:25] So I may do that so that Is pending that i’m just waiting for them to [00:13:30] approve the community. I don’t know how long that takes but and I don’t See why they would not approve of it catholic experience. locals. com so that’s what’s coming, okay? And, by the way, one last closing thought on that.
[00:13:42] If this goes off that experimental podcast, I will be putting, that I mentioned at the top of this, I’m going to be putting that on Locals. There, it might be audio only, it might be video. But that’s where it’ll be. Also, all, you know, other subscriber only podcasts be putting through there as well.
Restoring a “Catholic” Mind to the church
[00:14:01] CA: Now, here’s, I guess, if there’s a mean potato segment to this little podcast, here it is. Over the past month, I think, maybe a little bit more, I’ve felt a weird tremor in the force as I observe the church, lowercase c, church, the people, the laity, Or, I should really say the faithful, because the faithful include priests, right?
[00:14:30] But my concern is mostly the laity, but also a little bit priests. Something very weird is going on in the lowercase c church, and still I have not placed my finger on it, but I’ll tell you what I observe. I have been on and on About how people are being conditioned to be able to, or they’re being disabled.
[00:14:56] They’re being intellectually disabled, spiritually disabled [00:15:00] through sin, but by the enemy. And they’re less and less able to discern truth. They are less and less able to discern truth. I’ll give you one example because this is a subscriber only show. Apples are red. One reason we can know that is because they aren’t orange or yellow or green.
[00:15:20] So we begin to limit the possibilities of what color it can be. Then, when we look at an objective source for what red is and compare it to the appearance of an apple, we see for sure that it is definitely red. If you can’t understand that, The failure is yours, because you have become unable to discern truth.
[00:15:47] You’ve become unable to understand truth when it is shown to you. You see that all throughout the secular world. You see it in secular media. You see it in the church. But, my concern is that it is spreading like a wildfire in the lowercase c, church. And over the past month or so, I’ve been seeing this demonstrated in the laity in a way that very deeply concerns me.
[00:16:14] I mean, so deeply that I’m still unable to grasp it. Very deeply concerns me that something is very, something is way more wrong in the laity than even I suspected. And I can see a [00:16:30]lot. I can see a lot. And what I’m starting to see in the laity even got beneath my radar.
[00:16:36] Because I can’t quite put my finger on it, I don’t want to share too much of my intuition with you, but I will say this. The devil is conditioning us in the church, particularly in the church because we’re the ones who have truth. In the secular world, they’ve already lost it. They’re not a threat to the devil.
How the Devil Neutralizes the Catholic “Threat”
[00:16:58] CA: They’re not a threat to the ambitions of the devil. Practicing and engaged Catholics are. So the devil needs to, so how does the devil neutralize this threat of those in the church who are practicing active and engaged Catholics? How does he neutralize that threat? He turns us all into sinners. Well, not really.
[00:17:24] He makes us all leave the church. Well, maybe some people, but mostly that’s not going to work. So how does he do it? I’ve said this in previous episodes. In one of the past three or four episodes, I’ve talked about this. Where I said the way he neutralizes this threat is by getting us, by disabling us to discern truth.
[00:17:48] To not be able to identify what is truth by comparison to what is false. For instance, how many shades [00:18:00] of orange are there? There are, there’s more than one orange, right there. I can present you with about five different shades of orange that are completely different from each other.
[00:18:09] But if I showed them to you one at a time, you would identify each of them as orange, but really only one of them is orange. Only one of them is orange. Truth is like that, especially today. Lies look so much like the truth that they tend to fool most everybody, even people in the church. That the real orange doesn’t stand out so clearly anymore against alternative shades of orange.
[00:18:46] But the shades of orange are not actually orange. They just resemble it. But they’re not actually orange. Only orange is orange, right? Okay, only truth is truth. Shades of truth are the same as full blown lies. The only variable is how much like the truth does it look? How closely does it resemble truth? So the Antichrist is disabling us from being or the devil is disabling us from being able to identify truth Or rather, disabling us from being able to discern truth so that we will accept a lie as the truth because it looks so much like the truth.
[00:19:28] And so I’ve been saying and saying and [00:19:30] saying that Catholics, really people, have to have laser sharp focused minds to be able to discern truth. Because the devil is conditioning this way in preparation for the Antichrist. Maybe the Antichrist will show up tomorrow. Maybe he’ll show up in a hundred years.
[00:19:50] I don’t know. But he’s coming. There will be an Antichrist, a servant of the Father of Lies, or a manifestation of the Father of Lies. I’m not sure which. But even in the Catechism, the Church teaches that even many in the Church will be fooled. How is that possible? Once I see the horns, I’m going to know it’s the Antichrist.
[00:20:12] No, you’re not going to see horns. You’re going to see and hear a someone who sounds like he’s talking truth, but it will not be the truth. This someone will deceive many, even in the church, but he will be the Antichrist. He won’t be the real Pope or the real Jesus or anything like that. He will be the Antichrist.
[00:20:35] Now where is this Antichrist going to come from? I have no idea. I have no idea. But, I have always felt like there is some bridge between the Antichrist and, I guess, not heresy, but maybe apostasy? Because that’s a pretty big leap from [00:21:00] faith to apostasy. An apostasy leading to the Antichrist. What’s that bridge?
[00:21:06] I don’t know, I’ve always felt like there should, there is probably one because it’s too big of a leap. I think I know, I think, and God Almighty, I hope I’m wrong. I think I’m beginning to understand the nature of the bridge. You know where it’s going to come from? Some people will say, from the Pope. Nope.
[00:21:28] From the hierarchy. Nope. From the magisterium. From traitors within the magisterium. No. I think that bridge is going to come from the laity. I think that bridge is going to come from the laity who are obscuring truth in their efforts to find truth. Which to me is horrifying. Horrifying. They’re obscuring truth in an effort to seek and find it.
[00:22:03] And they’re obscuring it just enough so that people who are following them on this journey, whether it’s, let’s say it’s their spouse, or their audience, or their readers, or whatever, people who are accompanying them in some way on this journey they view the Obscurity, the abstraction, as the truth.[00:22:30]
[00:22:30] They view it as the truth.
[00:22:32] The person or persons responsible for doing this are seeking the truth, but they’re muddying the waters. And one of the reasons why I recognize this is because I’ve seen atheists do this a lot over many years, where atheists who are searching for the truth, rather than set their feet on a foundation.
[00:22:50] They just kind of muddy the waters, just kind of throw everything up in the air, throw everything up in the air. And I tell them, okay, you’ve thrown everything up in the air, let everything land and then analyze it. You have to start somewhere. So, to put it in practical terms, don’t read every religious book out there.
[00:23:07] The Bible, the Koran, whatever the Hindus read and so on. Just start with one that’s most likely reliable. You don’t have to apply supernatural faith, but the one that is most likely trustworthy. Start there. And then if you, and that would be the Bible. Then if you want to also read the Quran, okay. You also want to read the Hadith, or whatever other religion.
[00:23:29] Fine, but you have to start somewhere. But instead what they do is, they read a couple pages of the Bible, read a couple pages of the Hadith, read a couple pages of the Quran, read a couple pages of this and that. So this is what I mean by they throw everything up in the air, and they don’t give anything time to settle and land, and to analyze what lands, and what settles, and what doesn’t.
[00:23:47] I’ve long seen that in debate and discourse. Thank you very much. I’m seeing them do that in the church now. Where they, in seeking, in trying to [00:24:00] find truth, capital T, or specific truths, whether it’s about human dignity, or human life, or human sexuality, or God, or liturgy, in trying to find the truth, they’re throwing everything up in the air.
[00:24:16] And they wind up obscuring the truth. And then they land on abstractions. Not truth itself, but abstractions from the truth that they’re seeking. And even before that happens, the people who are accompanying them on this journey have already done it. They’ve already plucked one of these pieces that were thrown in the air.
[00:24:36] They’ve plucked one, it’s an abstraction, and they’ve settled on it. But also the people doing the seeking ultimately do the same thing. They settle on at a one abstraction after another, and before long what you have is a faith. In Stein, you don’t have the faith. You have faith in Stein, like a Frankenstein faith where if you stretch really far, you can see why it’s, it resembles the faith, but it’s so different and so ugly that on its face you no one would mistake Frankenstein.
[00:25:10] For being a regular human being, right? No one would look at Frankenstein and say, Is that a regular human being? No, on its face, you know, Frankenstein is a monster, right? On its face, you know, this collective of abstractions of truth constitute a monster. But you can [00:25:30] almost see why some people would accept it as the real faith.
[00:25:34] It’s something less like the faith than even Lutheranism, what I’m starting to see formulate. And it’s more dangerous, too, because most of the Protestant sects are kind of inert. They’re kind of inert. They have the Bible, and that’s pretty much all they have. In the church, we have sacred scripture, sacred tradition, we have doctrine, we have church thought.
[00:26:00] We have a lot of material. with which damage can be done. So the abstraction of the truth that we wind up with here is a lot more destructive than anything they could conceive of in the Protestant world. And that, I mean, I really have to, I really have to focus and pray about this. But I’m starting to see very sure signs of this happening in the laity.
[00:26:37] Where’s the Antichrist gonna come from? If you forced me to give you an answer, I would have to say the laity.
[00:26:45] Not Rome, the Vatican, the Pope, the Magi No. No, not even from the secular world. If you, I’m not making this claim, by the way, I am not making this claim. I’m just telling you [00:27:00]where I stand right now. I have not concluded anything. And really, I, even when I can, even if I were to conclude something, it’s just really my opinion based on my analysis.
[00:27:09] That’s it. That’s all it is. All I’m saying is if you forced me to give you an answer now, if you said you have to tell me right now, if you had to give me an answer right now, where do you think the antichrist will come from? After this past month, my answer would have to be the laity. Whether it’s one person, or if it’s a collective antichrist.
[00:27:31] I would have to say the laity. And when I first caught hint of this, in the things I was observing, I said, My God. I literally said, My God. They can’t be that far gone. They can’t be that far gone. And over the past month, I’m seeing, oh my god, they really are. Some of them. Probably many of them, because the sum implies the many.
[00:27:59] Really that far gone. So what am I going to do about that? Nothing. Who the hell am I? All I can do is do what I’m doing, working to help God and the church to form saints. And as part of that, I’m trying to help people to remember how to think, to understand how to discern truth. What does it look like? And how does that get confused?
[00:28:25] I can only play my little part. I’m, I do not see myself as the prophet Jonah. [00:28:30]What I want to do about it really is not any different from what I wanted to do a month or two or three months ago, a year ago, five years ago, twenty years ago.
Making Saints. What Does That Mean?
[00:28:41] CA: I want to help people to be who God created them to be. Because not everybody’s going to be a St.
[00:28:47] Therese, or St. Augustine, or St. This, or Blessed That. Not everybody’s going to be those specific people. If you listen to this, if you, let’s say you are destined, not destined, but you know, to be a canonized saint, well that canonized saint is going to be who you are, but in its perfection. It doesn’t mean you’re going to be, you know, I’m someone who prayed 20 hours a day.
[00:29:11] It may not mean that for you. You will be someone who prays a lot. But you’re not going to necessarily reflect or mirror the spirituality of Padre Pio, for instance, because you’re not Padre Pio. So what I want to do is contribute what I can to the formation of others, the object of their excellence, to become who God made them to be individually, uniquely.
[00:29:37] And that is saints. It is saints, canonized or not. God made you to be a saint. What does that look like for you? I don’t know. But damn, it must be so beautiful. For you, driving in your car. You, I’m talking about you. Or you, listening to this as you’re cooking. I don’t know. For whoever you [00:30:00] are, you know. You, in your perfection.
[00:30:03] are a truly unbelievable thing to, to behold and observe. And knowing what I do about all the saints and just these amazing characters, these amazing persons, and I’m just wow, I’m just wow over wow about the saints as a whole and individually. And I can’t imagine what a wow factor you are going to be.
[00:30:26] Whether you’re canonized or not. If you develop to be to be who God made you to be, that could be somebody who loves smoking cigars, who loves to read or doesn’t necessarily like to read. It could be somebody who likes to watch movies. It could be somebody who has a dry sense of humor. It could be somebody who missed their calling as a comedian.
[00:30:46] Could be somebody who is a comedian. Whoever God, whoever you are, you and your perfection, you’re meant to be a saint. And that means maximizing everything that’s good and true and beautiful about you, and diminishing and killing off the things that are false, that God didn’t make that. The world and sin made that.
[00:31:06] Things that are false. Things that are ugly. Again, things that we picked up along the way, not things that God made. Things that we picked up. Our habits, our inclinations, maybe even our appetites, whatever. That’s what really being a saint is. It’s maximizing everything that’s good, and true, and beautiful about you as an individual.
[00:31:27] As an individual. Someone [00:31:30] who likes skateboarding. Well, you’re going to be a saint who likes skateboarding. To give you an example, right? It’s about maximizing what’s good, true, and beautiful about you. Diminishing and killing off the things that are ugly and false about how you live or how you are.
[00:31:47] That’s what I’m doing. That’s really all I’m doing. I’m helping God in the church to do that. Maybe i’ll do it on catholicadventurer. com. Maybe i’ll do it at locals I don’t know. I do feel like i’m trying a little bit of everything and nothing is really sticking I need to concentrate my efforts somehow.
[00:32:04] Maybe i’ll concentrate them on locals You know, maybe i’ll do that so that when I post stuff You know stuff that’s either a podcast or a video or a podcast What we would call on Twitter a post or a tweet when I post stuff I’m posting it to stuff who actually want to see it For people who actually want to see it and for people who aren’t, Being interrupted by an algorithm whether it’s a youtube I’m kind of feeling this out as I go forward I intend to do what I came Here to do which You know, even I have to check my motives sometimes because catholicadventurer.
[00:32:42] blog, it used to be blog, I started that for the Blessed Mother, not for myself, not because I was itching to blog. I started that for the Blessed Mother you know, as a service to her or as a service to Jesus through her or in her name, but you know, as a service out of [00:33:00] affection for her. And then it became what it is now.
[00:33:04] But what it is now is who I have been since I was like 12. With a big mouth, big ideas, basically what you see now is who I’ve always been and what was just a blog in service to the Holy Virgin has become now what it is. And if I continue it, I think going forward, I’m going to try and focus the efforts rather than spread them out all over the place.
[00:33:28] It’s a little awkward, though, because I only have three subscribers, as the time I record this. I don’t know how we’re gonna bring that number up, but I guess I’ll leave it to God. And that’s gonna do it. Let’s roll the real music.
[00:33:42] Folks, I’m sorry that I haven’t done anything for the subscribers in a while. I’ve been, life has been really Life has been really taking me for a ride. Please keep me and my family in your prayers. Thank you for supporting my work. Thank you for your friendship. And for your fraternity.
[00:34:02] Or sorority, what do you call that if it’s between guys? It’s a fraternity, right? I don’t mean a club you know, like the atmosphere. It’s a fraternal atmosphere What do you call that when it’s between a guy and like female subscribers a sororal atmosphere? I don’t know. What’d you call that?
[00:34:16] Maybe we should just drop the fraternal thing completely Thank you for your friendship And thank you for your camaraderie.
[00:34:24] This has been the Catholic adventurer signing out here. God bless and be with you all. Bye [00:34:30] bye.
Based off of some news about my new community on, I explain that, similar to how I produce my content for the listener/reader rather than for myself, we have to evangelize with “The Other” in mind. I then delve into why the Catholic faithful are a threat to the devil’s ambitions, what the devil is doing about it, and what we should do about it. Rounding out the show I explain my ambition for making saints, and what that means, in real life terms, for ordinary Catholics.
As of the publication of this episode I’m still waiting for Locals to approve my new community. If all goes well it should be located at, if you’d like to check it out. Until it’s approved, you’ll see a “Coming Soon” page.
New Show, New ‘Punch’ | 1:19 |
Remember ‘The Other’ First | 4:24 | Community | 9:21 |
Restoring a ‘Catholic’ Mind to the church | 14:01 |
How the Devil Neutralizes the Catholic ‘Threat’ | 16:59 |