
Catholic Karate!

Is your Karate strong? Let's go back to the 80s to discover what karate has to do with Catholic confidence.

Should We Pray in Latin? (Freeview)

Is it beneficial, pointless, or dangerous to pray in Latin? The answer to all three is "Yes!"

Vatican’s Document ‘Dignitas Infinita’ (Infinite Dignity) Reaffirms Catholic Teaching, Sparks Debate

On Monday, the Vatican made a significant declaration, equating gender-change surgery and treatment, and surrogacy to grave threats to human dignity, akin to abortion and euthanasia.

Hard Questions Honor Truth

Today, we delve into a topic that is often misunderstood and sometimes even controversial: the role of theologians or bishops asking uncomfortable questions about Catholic theology or teaching.

The Lord’s Descent into Hell

A reflection on Holy Saturday delves into the silence and stillness that enveloped the earth, and the "trembling" felt in the underworld.


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