
The Mass is The Mass

I share my experiences attending Mass during Marine Corps boot camp. From leaving a solid Catholic mass at home to adapting to a much simpler mass and Catholic experience

Existence and Being (Clip)

This is a five minute clip from "Aquinas' Five Ways, Ep. 4" available to paid members of my Locals Community. You'll find chapter markers and transcript in the player.

Infinite Dignity – Proper Theological Methodology

Theological claims from flawed conclusions start with bad theological methodology. Here is what I propose is proper theological methodology, regarding the infinite dignity of man

Navigating Spiritual Darkness

A personal journey through spiritual darkness, emphasizing the importance of learning from such challenging times.

Exploring Hell, God’s Mercy, and the Hope for Salvation

This is an exploration of the concept of hell, God's mercy, and the hope that hell is empty.


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