Make an Impact Like Jesus Did

Don't be a ghost. Make an impression and an impact on others, and the world.

Don’t be a ghost, make an impact. How can you live your life with intention and make a spiritual difference in the lives (and world) around you?

Learn how simple actions like smiling, giving real compliments, and saying ‘God bless you’ can leave a lasting impression. Live your daily life as a reflection of Jesus’ light, inspiring others to seek the same joy and kindness. Make an impact for God’s glory, not for prideful recognition. God bless you.


Don’t be a ghost, make an impact. Catholic adventurer here, host of the Catholic experience podcast with this little tidbit Don’t live your life like a ghost. Ghosts go largely unseen, unnoticed. I’m not talking about prideful recognition, by the way. Ghosts go largely unseen, unnoticed. They don’t make footprints. They don’t leave an impact. They don’t make a mark. Don’t live like that. Live your life as someone intent on making an impact. And I mean that in a spiritual sense, not just in a worldly glory sense.

That’s not what I mean. I mean, in the spiritual sense, make an impact, leave an impression on people that you have an encounter with, that you have exchanges with, even if it’s people that you’re only having a brief. Momentary exchange with someone in the checkout aisle; either the clerk or someone in line with you. Say good morning to a stranger. Smile at people who could use a smile. Compliment people for nothing. Make it a real compliment. Don’t just lie to them. Make it a real compliment. But highlight something. “Hey, that looks really nice.” “Hey, what you did there was really, really good.” “Hey, you’re such a wonderful person.” Highlight something in, in their lives. You can make an impact that way. 

Tell people “God bless you.” Tell people “God be with you.” You can make an impact on people that way. By living your life intent on making an impact, In your interactions, even in the work that you do, you become the light of Jesus or the light of Jesus is reflected in your very life, in your day to day ordinary life, the light of Jesus is reflected in you and people see that and it stays with them and it gradually moves them closer and closer, hopefully by God’s grace, moves them closer and closer to wanting to know ‘what is it that that person has that makes them such a light, so nice to interact with? I want that for myself’.

Make an impact. Don’t be a ghost. Make an impact. In, in your life, in your concentric circles, in the world immediately around you, make an impact, and try to make it last, not for your glory, not for your pride, but for God, for Jesus.

And God will make that, turn that impact into something. He will, He will cause it to, to produce fruit, but it requires your participation. That’s all I have for you. Make an impact. Don’t be a ghost. God bless you. 

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