Rage is a 'bipartisan' vice.

Confronting Rage and Anger – #41

Rage is a 'bipartisan' vice.


[00:00:00] I don’t want to have to fix that in editing. Those of you catching this edited, you don’t even know what I’m talking about. You didn’t see what you just missed. Huh! Welcome one and all, welcome to this special live broadcast of the Catholic Experience Podcast. Coming at you over locals, hello locals, how do you do?

[00:00:23] Talking about rage and anger. Grrrr, I’m so angry, I’m so rageful. What are you so pissed off at? Grrrr. Grrrr. I don’t remember exactly. Talking about rage and anger. Just gonna be a short little broadcast. Of course I always say that and it always takes me an hour and a half to finish, uh, what I’m saying.

[00:00:41] Hopefully today will be the exception. Thank you to those of you who are joining me on Locals. Got a little update for you about Locals in just a second. And thank you to those of you catching me on demand. Are you catching me on demand? I really hope that you are. Let’s fade that music out. Thank you.

[00:00:58] Today talking about,, talking about locals, well, a little bit, but not, not just yet. Talking about rage and anger. Um, I’m going to play a little video for you. And, uh, the video is basically iconic. It, it, it really does sort of, what’s the word I’m looking for? It’s emblematic of the topic and the problem that I’m talking about today.

[00:01:19] Rage. Anger. I know when we hear that we often think, Um, politics, right? And when we think rage and anger and politics, [00:01:30] we often think liberals. Liberals are so angry all the time. Well, that it’s true. And of course it’s not all liberals. Okay. And it is true. But is the problem limited to the liberals? I’m not so sure.

[00:01:48] Just going talk a little about that.

[00:01:51] Important Locals Update

[00:01:51] So a little update on locals. This is going to be very, very quick. Uh, finally hit 50 members and I wanted to share a little something with those 50 members. It’s, it’s a little bit distressing news actually. , Apparently in the time it took me to reach 50 members, remember I’ve been saying, all I need is 50 members.

[00:02:08] It doesn’t matter if they’re free members. I just need 50 in the time it took me to reach 50 members. The rules changed. Now, in order to upgrade. Um, a network from, from I think basic to starter. Now I need 50 paid members, not just free, but don’t get upset and don’t get excited. I am not going to ask you 50 folks to upgrade to become a paid subscriber.

[00:02:35] Oh no, I’m not going to do that. We got the 50 members that I wanted. You know what? I’m going to do the best I can for those 50 members, even with the limitations placed on my network, because it’s a very small community. Even with those limitations, I’m going to do the absolute best that I can do to give you a full and interesting experience.

[00:02:55] Some of that experience, I’m going to tell you right now may involve [00:03:00] having to get around locals limitations. By using my website to supplement what’s on locals. I’ll give you an example. Let’s say you’re a paid member. And I promise this is going to be very quick. This explanation. Okay, please. I don’t want to lose you.

[00:03:12] Let’s say you’re a paid member. don’t have enough storage space to put lengthy videos on locals. Uh, maybe one a month, maybe two, but, but that’s it. And then I can’t put podcasts and stuff for the free people because I’ll use up all my storage space.

[00:03:26] So what I may do is, I may do something like, and I have done this in the past on Locals. I may say, here’s this members, you know, Locals paid members exclusive thing. , but you have to go to my website to view it. Here’s the password. And then a password. So you go to my website, the player will ask you for a password.

[00:03:45] You put in that password that I put in the post and only paid members will be able to see that password. I may say, Hey, I want to do a live broadcast for everybody, but I want it.

[00:03:56] I’m going to do it for more than an hour. Okay. So, and I’ll put this on locals. Here’s the address on my website to view it. And if there is a password, here is the password, whether you’re a free member or a paid member, I may do stuff like that. So I may use, in fact, I will use my website to supplement what I’m doing on locals, but what I’m offering to my locals members, is, is what I’m offering to.

[00:04:21] What I’m supplementing on my website is going to be available to Locals members, free or paid. And some stuff I’m going to do just for the paid members, okay? Long story short, [00:04:30] and I’ll talk about this again in the public podcast, and I might fill in a few extra details. Long story short, I was hoping to get free of the limitations placed on my Locals community.

[00:04:42] Locals changed the rules. I can’t get free of those, uh, limitations unless I hit 50 paid members. I refuse, for all of you who, who took the time to, to come and join me here to help me to get to 50, I refuse to now up the ante and say, Hey, by the way, can you give me five bucks a month? No. No. I, I hope that you do, but I’m not going to ask you to.

[00:05:03] I’m not, I’m not going to push now for 50 paid members. No. I’m not going to do that to you. And frankly, I don’t want to do it to myself and to all the other people who have to, You know, listen to me begging for paid subscribers. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to keep using locals as I’ve been using it, maybe even use it more frequently.

[00:05:20] But the way I’m going to do that, and part of the reason I’ll be able to use it more frequently is I’m going to supplement, I’m going to counter locals limitations by incorporating my own mechanism on my website. So I may be, I may do longer live streams, but you have to go to my website to get them, but I’ll give you the address.

[00:05:40] And the password on Locals. I may post something that’s long and, you know, high resolution 1080p, but it won’t fit on Locals because of my limitations. But I’ll give you the password, so that you can enter it into the player on my website. You understand? So, effectively for you, nothing’s really gonna change.

[00:05:57] Just, in some ways, in some [00:06:00] cases, some of the experience is gonna be split between Locals and my website. But mostly the experience is not going to change for you. Okay, so that’s the update. That’s what I have for you

[00:06:09] Let’s Get into the Topic

[00:06:09] Let’s talk about rage and anger That’s always fun

[00:06:13] There’s a lot of rage and anger in the culture I have been noticing and probably you too. I’m not a mystic I have been noticing this over the past maybe 10 years Definitely over the past 10 years actually now that i’m thinking of it. It’s probably been around longer, but I really do feel like over the past 10 years Starting about 10 or 15 years ago, maybe Anger has really become amplified.

[00:06:37] Where people have just made it part of their normal character. Part of their normal personal expression. Anger. Rage. I’m sure your mileage may vary. It depends on where you live. It depends on what your lifestyle is. And who you are exposed to. Okay, I’m sure that’s the case. But in general, I think we all see it in the news.

[00:07:01] And I’m sure no matter where you are, you see it. In corners of your life, anger, rage is everywhere. Not, not strictly speaking, not anger so much as rage. There is a difference. I’ll go over that here. There is a difference. 

[00:07:15] So Rage is everywhere. It’s different from anger. 

[00:07:20] What is the Model for Human Existence?

[00:07:20] When we look for the model of human existence, what is normal for the human personality, for the human person, for the expression of the [00:07:30] human person, which is personality. Personality is your unique expression of your unique person, who you are.

[00:07:39] That’s your personality. It’s the expression of your person. It’s what you express to the outside world, what you want. That you hold inside, in, in the unseen parts of you. That’s personality. Okay? Anger and rage have become normal to the culture and the expression of their personality. But is it normal for people to be that way?

[00:08:03] What’s the model we look to? To ascertain whether this or that characteristic of human expression, of human being. Verb. Human. Being. What’s the model we look to, to ascertain whether this is normal? Right? Whether this is who we are, or this is who we’ve become. Like, errant, whether, if it’s who we are, naturally, or who we have become, errantly, in our fallen nature.

[00:08:32] What’s the model? I’m gonna take a few seconds, pause a few seconds to let you guess. Time’s up. You look to Jesus Christ for that model. Jesus Christ is the perfect human being. He’s the perfect man. And the Blessed Mother was the perfect woman. Different from Jesus, of course, because she’s not divine. She was the perfect woman, but, and we do see, we do see, uh, actually we see a lot more of her personality in the Gospels than [00:09:00] initially meets the eye.

[00:09:02] If you look deeper, you don’t see as much of the picture as you see of Jesus Christ, obviously, but you do see a lot of the Blessed Mother’s personality. Anyway. You look to Jesus to know what’s normal. For instance, we know temptation is normal. How do we know that? Jesus experienced it. We know suffering is normal.

[00:09:20] How do we know that? Jesus experienced it. Joy, normal. Tongue and cheek comments, we know that’s normal and therefore humor must be normal. How do we know that? If you look carefully. You’ll catch a couple of tongue in cheek comments by Jesus Christ. Some of them very funny. But you gotta look carefully, but they’re there.

[00:09:43] You look to Jesus Christ to know what is normal. In human expression. Hmm? What do we also see in the expression of Jesus person? His human person? We see anger, don’t we? We see love and tenderness and mercy and compassion, but we also see anger, don’t we? We also see stern warnings, right? Um, people are going to knock at the door and say, Lord, Lord, let us in.

[00:10:10] I’m going to say, who are you? And you’re going to say, or they’re going to say, you know, you know, us, we ate with you. We preach your name and this and that. And I’m going to say, I do not know who you are. Depart from me, you evildoers.

[00:10:22] Sidenote on “Fire and Brimstone”

[00:10:22] Lot of warning in there. We should get away from preaching fire and brimstone. You mean like Jesus did? Oh, he [00:10:30] didn’t. Side note, what is this fire and brimstone preaching that I keep hearing about? Have you heard any of that? I have never in my life heard any of that. So I’m not understanding what we’re supposed to be moving away from.

[00:10:42] Fire and brimstone preaching, what does that mean? Talking about hell? Well, Jesus talked about hell. What’s the fire and brimstone part? You’re all gonna go to hell! Ahem. Let me just stop there and just keep it going. I’m going to do a separate video just about that. The whole fire and brimstone nonsense.

[00:10:59] Anyway. 

[00:11:01] We See Anger in the Model of Jesus

[00:11:01] So we get that from Jesus. We also see anger in Jesus, right? So we know that anger is made by God. God made us with a capacity and facility for anger and its expression. The expression of anger ought to be justice. I’ll see you in my next video. Until It should also prompt us to mercy. I said in a, in a, uh, I think it was a couple of episodes ago, justice and mercy for us is different from God, because we can’t render justice or mercy the way God can.

[00:11:32] The way we render mercy, for example, is minimizing suffering, or reducing suffering. That’s an example of, of, of, and of course God does that too, but the way He renders mercy, the way He does mercy is hands down different from us, much, much greater. A way that we render mercy is we, we reduce or alleviate suffering.

[00:11:58] It’s not the only way, but [00:12:00] it’s one of the main ways. Anger prompts us. Sometimes to render justice, and as I said in a past episode, justice is, is rendering what is owed. Sometimes that means giving, sometimes it means taking. Giving what’s lacking and owed and deserved, or taking what isn’t deserved, you understand.

[00:12:22] But anger also prompts us to mercy, right? We saw Jesus get anger. Have anger so we know we have a capacity for it, and we have a facility for it. We have a, a natural and human way of doing something about our anger or, or doing something prompted by our anger, right? So we know that’s natural. Anger is natural, but at a point it becomes rageful.

[00:12:47] We saw Jesus getting angry at the cleansing of the temple. It it may shock a lot of people to hear this, not you guys. You, you guys know this backward and forward. But Jesus took the time to forge a whip. Let me say that again. Let’s go to the drama. Actually, I guess, I guess that’s the drama cam. I’m going to have to find a different name for this one.

[00:13:11] Let’s go to this camera., Jesus took the time to forge a whip. He didn’t pull one down off, off a shelf.

[00:13:18] He didn’t say, hey, pass me that whip. He made one. He made one. And he didn’t say, don’t make me go over there. He didn’t say that, did he? He went around swinging the [00:13:30] whip and turning over to, he turned over tables of the money changers. He didn’t just, get out of here. You’re bad. You’re bad. Get out of here.

[00:13:40] He didn’t He went around swinging that whip, probably hitting a few people. Who knows if he was aiming for them. Maybe he was just swinging it around randomly and I don’t know. I feel like Jesus doesn’t do things randomly though. Maybe, so maybe he hit a few people. Maybe on purpose, maybe just incidentally.

[00:13:58] I don’t know. But he went around swinging that whip and turning over, um, the tables of the money changers. That’s pretty serious. I don’t know.

[00:14:05] so Jesus took the time to forge a whip. He understand how angry you have to be, how righteously angry you have to be to take that time to do that. Pretty angry, right? So that’s the first thing that should come to your mind.

[00:14:31] How Does Rage Differ from Anger

[00:14:31] Okay. We know then, we know then that anger is normal. There is a point where it goes too far and it becomes rage, not just anger. 

[00:14:39] What is rage? First, it’s a vice. In fact, I think it’s one of the seven deadly sins, or one of the seven cardinal, or one of the seven deadly vices. Whatever. Whatever. And that is when rage prompts us to injustice.

[00:14:56] To do something that is not deserved. To [00:15:00] render something that is not owed. To take something that is not owed. Um, somebody, I’m making this up. Somebody cut me off on the road the other day. And at the next stoplight, I got out of my car. And I, I, his window was open. And I punched him in the face through that window.

[00:15:20] Well, you don’t understand. He cut me off. I mean, it was like an egregious road offense. Like, it was a very clear offense. It wasn’t even an accident. Nothing. That’s rage. It’s road rage. And it’s rageful because it’s, it’s, it prompts us to injustice. Or it prompts us to act without mercy. Because maybe the other driver was very, very, very wrong.

[00:15:44] Now, it wasn’t a mistake. It was on purpose and yada, yada. Maybe. Maybe. But that rage prompted us to act without mercy. How might, I’ll give you an example of righteous anger in that case. Let’s say I’m driving and I’m with my family and this has happened to me and it’s probably happened to many of you.

[00:16:05] I’m driving, I’m with my family. Let’s say we’re driving at highway speeds and somebody cuts me off like really bad, nearly causes an accident. This dumb son of a bitch could have wiped out my whole family. Because he needed to get in the lane in front of me. Could have wiped us all out. You don’t know.

[00:16:24] Could have caused an accident, and that accident could have been fatal, especially at highway speeds.[00:16:30]

[00:16:32] What do I do with that anger? What should that anger prompt me to do? I don’t know. Maybe I roll down the window and, and shout at him and curse at him and say, You know, I’ve got a wife and children in this car with me. You could have killed us all. I, I don’t know, but you see how that’s different from going and punching him in the face at the next stoplight?

[00:16:52] Feel me? 

[00:16:54] Anger is Normal and Human

[00:16:54] Okay. So we know anger is, is normal. God built us that way. Not so that we can, you know, cause death and destruction because of our anger, but so that , we can, so that anger prompts us to justice. And sometimes anger may prompt us to mercy, depending on what the situation is. Okay. What the subject is, who the subject is, anger, normal, God made that, He made it in us.

[00:17:21] We know that because we see it in the model of human existence and human being, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Son of Mary.

[00:17:30] And we know rage is a deadly sin. Rage is anger gone too far. Rage is anger gone way, way too far. Way overboard. Way overboard. So there is anger in the culture. That’s probably not crazy. Right? There’s probably a lot of reasons for people to be angry at something. But, why the hell are people so rageful?

[00:17:55] What do they have to be that angry about? I’ll cover that more in a minute. I’m going to [00:18:00] tell you now, this stream has been going on for about 22 minutes. If you’re catching this on demand, I’m It’s probably a little bit shorter than that. My point is, for me, right now recording it, it’s 22 minutes.

[00:18:09] Definitely this will go over the 30 minute limit. Whether you are a free member or a paid member, I’m going to continue this recording and post the full video on my website, CatholicAdventurer. com. I will post a link here on Locals, and a password if necessary, to that video at CatholicAdventurer. com.

[00:18:30] I’ll post a link. Here on locals to the video on my website. Okay. You’ll get an email notification of that post when I put the whole video and I give you the link. Okay. Definitely this is going over 30. All right, let’s continue.

[00:18:46] Video. And “Why Are People So Rageful?”

[00:18:46] So what do people have to be so angry about? Why is it such a part of the collective human expression of person? Let’s look at an example. From this video. Roll it.

[00:19:05] . So let’s go to the video. This is. This is a Kamal Harris supporter. Shouting at a child. I don’t know what for or what about, but let’s watch the video together. Go!

[00:19:27] And this woman here is shouting up a storm at the [00:19:30] baby. You see there’s people, there are people wearing Harris Waltz T shirts here in the background. Somebody’s holding a couple signs. So don’t know what this demonstration is on officers rally. I don’t know what this is, but this is what we’re seeing Oh, wow,

[00:19:51] I don’t she said I don’t give an f that your dad’s a something And he’s saying something let’s see if we can hear

[00:20:11] Okay, um, I do have to say the father should have taken the child out of the equation immediately. He shouldn’t, he shouldn’t have stayed there and he sure shouldn’t have gotten on a microphone and continue talking smack, but that’s another story. Father should have gotten the child out of the picture, but what is the deal with this behavior?

[00:20:35] I’m going to mute it, because we don’t need to, you know, hear all this nonsense. What is the deal with this behavior? Why? And this, you know, when I saw this, it, it, you figure, yeah, it’s a woman yelling at a child. That’s pretty shocking. I, I was not shocked. I was not shocked. Because we’ve also seen Extreme liberals or progressive liberals, whatever you want to call them.

[00:20:55] We’ve also seen them chase down kids, children, children. [00:21:00] Because they’re wearing a MAGA hat. Because a child’s wearing a MAGA hat. We’ve seen, have you seen this? A mob of people chasing down this child and shouting at him because he’s wearing a MAGA hat. Another one, years later, this was more recently. A mob of people surrounding these two kids.

[00:21:16] One had a MAGA hat, one had a, I think a Trump t shirt or something. And I believe they were at a Trump rally. It’s not like, I mean, they can wear whatever they want anyway, but let’s just say, well, the kids shouldn’t have been provocative. I think the kids were coming back from a Trump rally where the hell the parents were.

[00:21:32] I don’t know. That’s kind of the problem with some of these online videos is you don’t really see the context., But I was not surprised to see this. Not really. How can they stoop so low? That didn’t surprise me. I do want to, I do want to point out. I think this black woman here is a, I think, one of the Harris supporters and she’s intervening and telling the girl don’t, you know, don’t go yelling at a child.

[00:21:57] You need to get out of here kind of thing. So I do want to point that out because I think that was, that was good. Good. Alright, now let’s be grown ups, right? So that was good. I feel like, I feel like angry liberals are that savage. That’s just what we just saw is just one manifestation Of just how savage they are Or they can be they can become But you know what?

[00:22:26] It’s not just Liberals who are Rageful!

[00:22:26] Conservatives suffer from the same [00:22:30] problem. It just manifests differently It manifests differently now. I gotta now I gotta use a bad word Asshole, I mean that’s in a movie Oh, it was in rocky. Now. I gotta use a bad word Whore. You know what a whore is? So anyway, I gotta use a bad word. Asshole.

[00:22:50] Conservatives expressing rage become assholes. I know this as a communicator. Well, I also know because I used to be one of those assholes. Sometimes I still am. I’ve really, really tried to fix that, though. But we’re not talking about me. When rage manifests in conservatives, in my experience and observation, I’m not saying it’s objective, but in my experience and observation, when conservatives express rage, it comes out as assholes.

[00:23:26] When liberals express rage, it comes out as savagery. You might think, well, savagery is worse than asshole ism. Well, I would actually agree. I’m not really saying one is morally superior. To the other, because, and again, I’m only talking about my experience and what I can observe, and I cannot observe everything in somebody’s life and every way they express rage.

[00:23:53] I’m telling you what, what has been common to, to my experience with it. You see it here on, on, [00:24:00] you see it on the internet, you see it on socials, you see it in your daily lives, right? So both sides have the same problem. Rage. I do wonder. When conservatives express rage, it comes out the way it does, as I just said, but I wonder if it also comes out in other ways that we don’t see.

[00:24:20] I just, and I don’t have the answer, but I just wonder.

[00:24:23] When liberals express rage, it cuts deep, as you just saw. When conservatives express rage, it also cuts deep, but just in a different way. You think I don’t run into, anyway, I run into it all the time. Online and offline And again, although even at even when I was you know Even when I had my rageful moments because i’m a very passionate person just by my nature and Passionate people do have a tendency A tendency toward rage And I did too I still do on on occasion You might have seen it in some of these episodes that I do.

[00:25:06] I I don’t know. I hope not I don’t think so, but maybe But even when I was not putting that on a leash, when I was not trying to control it, I became an asshole. But I did try not to cut deep, although sometimes I did anyway. Sometimes I did cut deep. But I tried not to. But I think culturally, and I’m not [00:25:30] saying I’m better than everybody else, I’m just kind of giving context.

[00:25:33] Culturally, I feel like when conservatives become a holes, they cut very, very deep on purpose. On purpose. They try to look for the worst possible way to hurt your feelings, um, to diminish you, degrade you. I don’t know. Some people will say, oh, yeah, you mean like racism? I’m gonna tell you, I’ve been around and around and around.

[00:25:57] I have met maybe one or two conservative racists people that I know personally, and I really never cared that they were racist. I just cared that they were assholes. Why they’re assholes made no difference to me. The most racism I’ve seen has been from white liberals. That’s the honest truth. The most racist people I’ve ever I’m not saying all white liberals are racist.

[00:26:18] I’m not saying that. Most of them are not. I, I think most of them are not. But the most racism I’ve observed has come from white liberals. That is the honest to God truth. From the bottom of my heart, that’s the truth. So, some may think, oh yeah, you mean like racism, you know, conservative racists. Mmm, no, just conservatives who are assholes.

[00:26:42] And they cut deep, and the liberals also cut deep. 

[00:26:45] A conservative is more likely to say something really, really horrible about you, about your family, someone you care for, whatever’s going to make it the most painful and cut the most deep. My experience, not just what I’ve. Experience personally, like toward me, [00:27:00] but my experience observing others, you know, throughout my life.

[00:27:04] A conservative is more likely to go there than a liberal. But a liberal is more likely to chase your child down for wearing a MAGA hat than a conservative is. That’s just true. You see what I’m saying? I’m trying to build a picture for you here. It’s the same problem, it just manifests differently. Well, we know that anger is normal, not being angry, but anger, the existence of a capacity and facility for anger.

[00:27:33] Important Questions: Spiritual, Temporal 

[00:27:33] We know that’s normal because we see it in Jesus, but rage is not normal. And so for the last part of this little episode, I’ll just tell you why I’m bringing all this up. I’m going to tell you right now, I don’t have answers, but here’s why I’m bringing this up. What is behind all this rage? Is it frustration with the way things are?

[00:27:59] Is it frustration over politics? You see this, you see this all the time. Doesn’t matter where we are in the election cycle. Why are people so angry? I’ll tell you one thing I’m sure is part of the component. I talk about it all the time. Is the culture suffers from a, a lack of identity because the culture is suffering a character deficiency and a, deficiency in identity or you might say it an identity crisis.

[00:28:28] The culture is suffering from a [00:28:30] collective identity crisis. The culture. And by that, I don’t just mean the collective. I mean people, the, the human beings who constitute the culture, right? Identity crisis. They don’t know who they are, whether or where they belong. They don’t know where they’re going.

[00:28:52] They’re empty. They’re lacking something. They’re lacking a lot of something. And they try to fill that hole, fill that emptiness with temporal materials, with natural materials. But they’re still left wanting. Who am I? And here’s a, here’s a hell of a question for you. Why am I, who am I and why? Who am I supposed to be and where am I supposed to be going in my existence?

[00:29:25] Increasingly people have lost that identity or that, that material to their identity. And so they try to make, they try to make it work, but they can’t. And so they grow more and more angry. Then they start to hold on to things that they think is going to give them their identity. I can do an hours long show about that, but I won’t.

[00:29:52] They hold on to things that they think is going to give them their identity. I’ll give you one example. Sex. Now, no one’s taking sex away [00:30:00] from them, but you would think someone’s taking sex away from them. When you see their rage over abortion laws, You would think someone’s taking sex away from them when you see their rage about Catholic, , morals and ethics in human sexuality as taught by the church.

[00:30:19] They need to hold on to that, because they’ve made that part of their identity. It doesn’t work for them, but it’s fun to try, so they gotta hold on to it, even though it makes them more and more empty. There are other things like that. You could say you could replace sex with money or this or that, but it isn’t as simple as all that, but yeah, you could say that.

[00:30:39] They try to hold on to these things, so when these things are challenged, they get angry because they need it. They need these things to survive, or so they think. They need these things in order to be. To be what? They don’t know. They just know that their being is empty of something. And they need these things in order to be who they think they are, even though they don’t know who they are.

[00:31:09] Do you see why this causes such anger? Or such rage?

[00:31:15] But even that, I think there’s more to the story than all that. I don’t know what it is. Um, I do suspect it’s something diabolic. I suspect there’s a significant spiritual component to [00:31:30] all of this. But here’s why that confuses me. Because if there is a spiritual component, then it’s not God, it’s the devil. And if it’s the devil, then we know that God is allowing it. So now the mystery is, why is God allowing this? Well, He’s allowing it for a purpose, for a greater good.

[00:31:48] That’s for sure. Okay, what? What must be, what might be the greater good of allowing this? There, there is something. I don’t know what it is. Could it also be that God is, is, is not surrendering us, but subjecting us to the spirit of anger, because that is what we chose, so he’s letting us have it. But he’s letting us really have it.

[00:32:14] Maybe he’s letting us really have it so that he can rescue us from it later, so that we can give him credit for it. Sort of as a reminder, you know, not like he wants to pat on the back and he wants to say, look how great I am, but, but that transaction to serve as a sort of reminder of who he is and who we are.

[00:32:34] I= don’t know, but it is part of the mystery. It is absolutely part of the mystery.

[00:32:40] Conclusion

[00:32:40] So that’s about gonna, gonna do it. Uh, let me cap it this way and sum it up for you. Anger is good. We know, no. Anger is, uh, anger can, it can be good. It can prompt us to a good. Right? I don’t know why my microphone looks blurry there. [00:33:00] Anger can prompt us to a good. But rather than say anger is good, I should say anger is normal.

[00:33:06] Right? Anger is natural. God made that. He built it into us. Okay? Rage is not. Rage goes overboard. Anger prompts us to justice and I guess guides mercy, inspires and perhaps guides mercy. Rage rejects mercy and renders injustice, renders something that is not just, that is unjust. It leads to injustice, rage does.

[00:33:38] We see it in the culture and while people may be quick to say, well that’s just the angry liberals, uh, It manifests more clearly in, in liberals, whether they’re political liberals or, um, religious liberals, theological liberals. It manifests more clearly in liberals, but it isn’t just the liberals, it’s in conservatives too.

[00:34:02] It’s there more, it’s there less, I don’t want to get into all that, I’ll leave that up to you. But it is definitely there, it’s not just the liberals, it’s all over the culture. Why? Why can’t people just take a chill pill and relax? Someone just followed me a couple days ago on X and I followed him back.

[00:34:19] Or it might have been the other way around. I think I followed him and he followed me back. He’s a media personality. I like following media personalities. But the guy is like instantly an asshole. He like went [00:34:30] right to asshole. He skipped annoying. He passed over rude. And he went, he took the express train to asshole.

[00:34:39] And I told him as much too. I was just, you know, I don’t know you very well, but just going by your posts. You’re, you’re a really nasty, you, you have a really nasty disposition. I wasn’t even being nasty to him. At all. My, my feed is public. My feed is public. You can go and see it. I wasn’t being nasty to him at all.

[00:34:57] He’s just really angry. It’s like, what do you have to be so angry about? Because you don’t like the, the, the state of, not him, but I’m saying people in general, because you don’t like the state of things, get over it. Get over it. It is what it is. And tomorrow it’ll be different. Or maybe next year it’ll be different.

[00:35:12] Or maybe in four years it’ll be different. Get over it. Whether you’re a conservative or a liberal, I don’t care, get over it. Especially if you’re a conservative who’s also Christian, you absolutely need to get over it. Whatever it is that’s making you angry. You know why? Because Jesus Christ is Lord, and you know that.

[00:35:27] God wins. Period. And you know that. So you have no excuse to be angry. You should be happy. You should be joyful. No matter what your state of life is, you have it better than people in a lot of places.\

[00:35:42] What do you have to be angry about? Lord have mercy. People need to take a chill pill. Take it easy. Remember that Jesus Christ is Lord. Amen. If you get righteously angry at something, let me go back to camera one. If you do get righteously angry at something, okay, righteous anger is okay, but then do something good about [00:36:00] it.

[00:36:00] Do something good about it. Don’t let it eat you up inside. Do something about it. Something capital G good about it. Do something about it. And then your anger is a good thing. Otherwise, it’s just rage. And Jesus Christ be like, you know, nobody got time for that.

[00:36:18] Just pulls that one out of nowhere, right? This has been a special live broadcast. I wonder if anybody, I wonder if anybody joined the local stream. Let me see here. Nope. Doesn’t look like it. That’s all right. This has been a special live broadcast on locals being made on demand for free and paid members.

[00:36:41] Also, you’re catching this. If you’re, if you’ve gotten this far, then you’re watching this on my website, CatholicAdventurer. com. Listen, I want to tell you, I encourage you to sign up for an account at CatholicAdventurer. com. You’ll see the login or my account or something. Um, in the menu bar at the top.

[00:37:00] That will get you access to things that are It’ll get you access to things that are on my website. Which right now there isn’t much, but I’m going to be changing that, okay? And it’ll also sign you up for my newsletter. Sign up for the newsletter. You won’t be disappointed. How do we sign up for your newsletter?

[00:37:18] You know what? Just go to my website. You’ll figure it out God bless you. God be with you all. Bye bye I’ll leave a link to the newsletter sign up for those of you catching this on demand I’ll [00:37:30] leave a link in the in the description. You’re welcome 

Exploring the issues of rage and anger prevalent in our culture, contrasting them with normal human emotions.

What’s everybody so angry about all the time?? Anger and rage are everywhere in our modern society and culture. People are angry over small things and they rage over everything. Why is that? And what are the fundamental difference between anger and rage—and why should we take notice? Using Jesus Christ as a model, I discuss how anger can be righteous and constructive, while rage is harmful and leads to injustice. I address the different ways liberals and conservatives express these emotions and highlight an underlying identity crisis fueling this anger.

HEADS UP! You’ll find chapter markers and chapter menu in the player! 

Additionally, I provide updates on my Locals community and encourage viewers to sign up for an account on CatholicAdventurer.com to stay connected with my content and newsletter. Throughout, I emphasize the importance of managing anger positively and remembering that Jesus Christ as Lord.

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