Response to Drag Show Mocking the Last Supper at Paris Olympics, and my response to pushback I've received on social media to my expressed outrage.

Response to Drag Show at the Olympics – #35

Response to Drag Show Mocking the Last Supper at Paris Olympics, and my response to pushback I've received on social media to my expressed outrage.


CA: [00:00:00] Welcome, welcome one and all Catholic adventure coming at you on a Saturday morning, June 27th and I say, thank you, Catholic church. And thank you, Jesus Christ. I’m going to keep this kind of short and sweet. I’m not going to do a whole lot of talking about this, but there are just some things that need to be said.

Cut the music. Let’s start there. First, I want to say hello and thank you, those of you joining me, whether you’re catching this live broadcast on X, or you’re catching this on demand in my podcast feed. I don’t, uh, take it lightly that you take time out to click play and to listen to this nutjob speak.Uh, I am humbled, I am grateful, and I thank you.

And that’s all I’m going to say about that. I have a few things to say about the drag show that took place last night at the Olympics. During [00:01:00] which, or based upon, mockery of the Last Supper. I said a few things, I said several things about it on Twitter, X, last night. I even did a, um, an X Spaces session that lasted about 40 minutes.

Uh, with my initial thoughts. Thanks so much. And now I have some more thoughts and here’s why here’s why I have some more thoughts I’ve been getting pushback and first understand I don’t complain about pushback I don’t want to live in an echo chamber. That’s why I do most of my social networking on X instead of truth social.

I don’t like an echo chamber. I like diverse Ideas, I like the exchange of thoughts And all that I like that so i’m not complaining about pushback I’m doing this because I have a few things to say about the pushback. First, if you don’t know Actually, I’m not even going to go through the whole event because I want to make this brief.

There was, during the opening ceremony last night at the [00:02:00] Olympics, there was a drag show that depicted The Last Supper. I’ve seen several clips of it. It looked really, really stupid. It looked so stupid. The only thing that people can get out of that performance was that they were edgy enough to mock The Last Supper.

I say that as a producer. I say that as someone who appreciates art and dance and performance. I say that as somebody who isn’t particularly outraged by drag queens. I think it’s a little silly, but I think a thousand things in this world are a little silly. But I’m not particularly offended. If others are offended by drag queens or drag performances, that’s fine.

I don’t seek them out, but to me, they’re a non issue. To me, it’s a bunch of men dressed as women, performing, pretending to be women. Is that [00:03:00] silly? Yeah, it’s silly, but it’s just a thing. What do I care? There’s no skin off my nose. If you want to do that sort of thing, that’s on you. If you get something out of it, fine.

If you find it offensive, that’s fine too. What I’m trying to say is, I am not reacting to drag queens. I have no reaction to drag queens. I have no reaction to a drag show. To me, they’re a complete non issue. This is not a reaction to drag queens or a drag show. This is not a reaction to gay things or gayness.

Zero reaction there. Zero. This is not a reaction to drag queens or This is a reaction to an insult against Jesus Christ, against the church, against the Christian faith and against Christians.

I’m going to say a couple of things during this short broadcast that are a response to some things people have said, um, to me on Twitter. I am not going to name names because I’m not trying to start [00:04:00] fights. I’m not trying to do the digital version of slapping someone in the face. I’m not trying to do any of that.

I’m not trying to insult anyone, embarrass anyone, nothing. Nothing. I want to be friends with everybody. I want to be friendly toward everybody because I love everybody. Even the atheists who are responding to me. Honestly, I’m not trying to I’m not trying to hurt anyone and so on and so on. That’s the last I’ll say about that.

So if you are listening to this and I happen to respond to something you said on You said to me in comments, please don’t take it personal. Please don’t take it personal. I’m only bringing it up, not because you said it, but because what you’re offering and what I’m responding to, what you’re offering is something that probably several others are thinking or would say and just haven’t.

So that’s the only reason I’m bringing it up. It is not to attack you. Okay, let’s get on with it. First, I’m going to root this in an article from [00:05:00] Catholic News Agency. Catholics and others respond to mockery of Last Supper at the parish. Paris Olympics. And I’m going to tell you now there’s something in this that really gets under my skin and is emblematic of some of the responses I’ve been getting on Twitter from Christians.

Here we go. From Catholic news agency, a drag, a drag queen led parody of the last supper featured during Friday’s opening ceremonies. Of the 2024 Paris Olympics has sparked a wave of in, uh,incensed reactions and denunciations. In a statement released Saturday, the French bishops, I want you folks to really pay attention and zoom in on this, you ready?

In a statement released Saturday, the French bishops, the French bishops conference criticized the scenes of derision [00:06:00] and mockery of Christianity, which we deeply. Deplore. That’s a quote. It criticized scenes or, I’m sorry, the French Bishops Conference criticized the, quote, scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity which we deeply deplore, end quote.

I’m pausing there for a reason. Are you taking this in? Scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity which we deeply deplore. Is that it? Is, these are just scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity which you deeply deplore? It’s not a very strong response, but oh, okay, at least you’re saying something.

Let’s continue. Quote, this again is the French Bishop’s Conference. We thank the members of other religious denominations who have expressed their solidarity this period. This morning, we think of all Christians on all continents who have been hurt. By the courage, I’m sorry, by the outrage and [00:07:00] provocation of certain scenes.

The French bishops said French bishops. What the hell are you talking about? You’re thinking of all Christians to hell with your thoughts. You know, I have a lot. I have more atheists friends than I have Catholic friends. Did you know this? It’s true. I have more atheist friends than Catholic friends. Um, some of them are really actually atheists and so, or most of them are actually atheists.

Some of them are, I would say they’re more like secular humanists who they’re, they’re probably more agnostic. Okay. But I, I just kind of lumped them all together. And they often say things like, my thoughts go out to you. My heart goes out to you. I’m thinking of you. And I always receive that positively.

Thank you. I appreciate that. Thanks a lot, man. You’re, you’re, you’re a good fella. But in, so that’s what I say, that’s how [00:08:00] I respond. But in my mind and in my heart, I’m thinking, What good are your thoughts going to do me? What good are your thoughts? I’ve been out of work for a year. Um, I’m returning to work soon.

But I’ve been out of work for a year, and everyone has, you know, has me in their thoughts, and they’re thinking of me, and their hearts go out to me. Well, that’s great, but your thoughts aren’t doing, aren’t helping to change my situation. I appreciate that you’re thinking of me and all this, but you know what would help my situation?

I’m praying for you, you’re in my prayers, and I have Catholic friends who have been saying that. I’m praying for you, you’re in my prayers. Well, prayer does something. Thinking of, of, of, of, thinking, period, does nothing. It does nothing. What is this? Is this a fantasy novel? That our thoughts have power? Now let’s go back to the Bishop’s Conference.

We thank the members of other religious denominations who have expressed their solidarity, and I want to say too, this should offend all Christians, not just Catholics. Okay, moving on. This [00:09:00]morning, we think of all Christians on all continents who have been hurt by the outrage and provocation of certain scenes.

Thank you, French bishops, for thinking of everybody. But that’s meaningless. It is pointless. Frankly, it is stupid.

Admittedly, I did not read the whole statement by the French bishops. Um, I’ll tell you what, I’ll go there and just browse through it right now. Oh, hell, it’s in French. But as I skim through it, I don’t see the French word for church or God. So, I think even the full statement, which is only one brief page.

It’s only a couple of paragraphs. I don’t think the full statement does much better than this quote we’re getting from CNA. And it’s true that, and as I said last night, I will say again, this doesn’t only offend Christians. This, I would think, is offensive to God. The Last Supper [00:10:00] wasn’t just the final meal that Jesus had with his friends.

There’s significance, there’s meaning to the Last Supper. The Last Supper is a bombshell. In Christian history, honestly, in the history of humanity. This is, this is not just something that hurts people’s feelings. In my opinion, I’m not God and I can’t speak for Him. I’m also not a prophet. But, I would think this offends God.

Am I, listen, if I’m crazy, please do say so in a comment. And tell me why I’m crazy. Tell me why you disagree. Because I want to know. I want to know why. I want to know why.

If I’m wrong, I want to be corrected. So if I’m wrong, tell me why. That’s fine. But this statement by the French bishops just doesn’t go far enough.

Now here’s, as we progress, you’re going to see a more appropriate reaction as far as I’m concerned. [00:11:00] Back to the article. One of the best known prelates of the Catholic Church in the United States, Father, I’m sorry, Bishop Robert Barron of Minnesota, called on Catholics to make their voices heard in response to what he called the gross mockery of the Last Supper.

Thank you. Thank you. Make their voices heard in response to what he called the gross mockery of the Last Supper. In a post on X, Barron said the blasphemous act was emblematic of a deeply secularist post modern society that identifies Christianity as its enemy. Exactly. Exactly. So when people are commenting or responding to my posts on X, Suggesting that this is really not a big deal.

You know, 2 percent of it. And again, if you’re, if you’re hearing this and you’re the one, you’re one of the people who wrote some of these things I’m commenting on, please do not take it personally. I love you. I’m [00:12:00] glad that I’m following you. I’m glad that you’re following me. If you are, this is, do not take this personally.

I only bring it up. I’m only bringing up things that I think many people are thinking and just haven’t said, okay? So when we say things like, well, 2 percent of it, yeah, was bad, but the rest of it was really good. 98 percent of it was really good. Contrast that to what Bishop Barron said. Make your voices heard in response to this gross mockery of the Last Supper, which is emblematic of a deeply secularist postmodern society that identifies Christianity as its enemy.

I should say also, that is not a direct quote. Some of these are, some of these, the words in what I just said are quotes, but mostly it’s CNA’s summation of what Barron said. I saw the video that Bishop Barron posted last night, and this accurately reflects what he’s saying. So we cannot say, well, [00:13:00] only 2 percent of this was, was bad and 98 percent of it was good.

We should focus on the good and not focus wholly on the bad. Well I actually agree with that in principle. I say it all the time. Focus on the good in things or of things, of situations, and in people. Focus on the good, right? We hope that people do that with us. We hope that God does that with us. We should do that with others and with things that are not quite to our liking or suboptimal, right?

I agree with that in principle, but some things cannot be ignored. Some things are, some two percents are so bad that they cannot be overlooked in favor of the 98 percent that’s good. And something that I said to one of the people who offered that That thought, you know, focus on the good, you know, not the bad.

It’s only two percent bad and so on and so [00:14:00] on One thing I said was this Do you know how the devil gets an entire people? to consume poison He puts only a few drops of poison in a big glass of orange juice and and then In in oftentimes he even tells people by the way, I put some poison in this Sometimes they’ll drink it knowing that there’s poison in it Because they’ll say, well, it’s only, it’s only a few drops of poison.

Look at this big, beautiful glass of orange juice. It’s only a few drops of poison and they drink it anyway. You know what? Those few drops of poison will kill you just as easily. And as surely as half of as half a cup of poison will, or a full glass of poison will, that’s how the devil gets a people to consume poison by mingling it with orange juice, with something sweet, with something tasty, with something beautiful.

Sometimes the 2 percent does outweigh the 98, as we see here. [00:15:00] An example I wanted to bring up, but I didn’t want to be too wordy in my response, but I’ll say it here. God punished Moses, forbidding him to enter into the promised land. Why? Why? After all those years of service, why? Why did he punish Moses?

For doubting him once. For doubting him once.

God is a merciful God. God is a merciful God in ways that we couldn’t even express with human language. Okay? He’s, he’s eternally merciful. But even God draws a line in the sand and says, you will not go beyond this point. We see that everywhere in scripture. We see him exercising mercy, patience, patience, patience, patience.

We, I mean, we see it in our lives, right? But we, we, Begin first to see it throughout the scriptures, the Old and the New Testament. But doesn’t he draw a line in the sand? Didn’t he form a whip and overturn tables? Jesus [00:16:00] Christ did, I mean. Didn’t he overturn tables and form a whip and swing a whip? Because they were making the temple into a den of thieves?

God draws a line in the sand. Some things go too far. Some things cannot just be tolerated with a smile, and a chuckle, and a nod. Let’s go to the scriptures. This is from today’s mass reading and boy did this scream at me this morning

Thus says the Lord of hosts the God of Israel Reform your ways and your deeds so that I may remain with you in this place What place is he talking about in the scripture? He’s talking about the temple Reform your ways and your deeds so that I may remain with you in this place Put not your trust in deceitful words.

This is the temple of the Lord. The temple of the Lord. The temple of the Lord. It says it three times. I’m not repeating it for emphasis. The scripture says it [00:17:00] three times. Put not your trust in deceitful words. This is the temple of the Lord. The temple of the Lord. The temple of the Lord. Before saying thrice that this is the temple of the Lord, what does it say?

Put not your trust in deceitful words. This is the temple of the Lord. Don’t put your trust in those who say it’s not really the temple of the Lord. Don’t put your trust in those who say, well, it’s just one temple of many temples of the Lord. Don’t put your trust in people who say, yes, it’s the temple of the Lord, but it’s really just a building.

This is the temple of the Lord. The temple of the Lord. God. The Temple of the Lord. Only if you thoroughly reform your ways and your deeds, if each of you deals justly with his neighbor, uh, with the alien, with the orphan, with the widower, with the widow, if you no longer shed innocent blood in this place or follow strange gods to your own harm, or [00:18:00] follow strange gods to your own harm, only if you do these things will I remain with you in this place.

And in Atlanta, I gave you fathers, et cetera. That, that has. No meaning for us right now. So, we’re emphasizing in the scripture the presence of God in his holy temple. I port that over to this situation here. The presence of God amidst a people, within a nation, within a culture. The temple of God is your body.

I would advance to the temple of God of sorts, not literally capital T temple, but of sorts. The temple of God is a nation, is a people, is a household, is a family. And God remains there until he does not. He remains there until he does not. Hear the word of the Lord, all you of Judah, who enter these gates to [00:19:00] worship the Lord.

Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, Reform your ways and your deeds, so that I may remain with you in this place. Reform your ways and your deeds. Reform your ways and your deeds. This is the temple of the Lord.

But you are putting your trust in deceitful words to your own loss. Are you to steal and murder and commit adultery and perjury, burn incense to Baal, Go after strange gods that you know not, and yet you come to stand before me in this house which bears my name, and say, We are safe. We can commit all these abominations again and again and again.

Has this house which bears my name become in your eyes a den of thieves? I too see what is being done, says the Lord.

Are we really to remain silent? [00:20:00] We who are collectively the temple of the Lord, temple of sorts of not being literal. So please, you theology minded, don’t crucify me. Are we to stand silent? Are we to stand deaf and dumb? Mute? Blind? To the deceitful words of a godless world. It says, This is not really the temple of the Lord.

This is not really the eldest daughter of the church, and if it is, so what? Who cares? Get over it. This is art. Put not your trust in deceitful words, my friends. This is the temple of the Lord. Europe is a sort of temple of the Lord. Really, Western culture is, but this happened in France, so I’m keeping it, keeping it real over there across the pond.

Then there are some who are saying, I’m breaking away from the scripture now, actually, [00:21:00]yeah, let me, let me make this comment. There are some who are saying this is only a mockery, I’m paraphrasing, but this is only a mockery of the painting. What unbelievable nonsense that is. It’s only a mockery of the painting.

No, no, it isn’t. The painting, The Last Supper. Has no meaning, purpose, or point detached or in isolation from the event that it depicts. If you look at The Last Supper as being only a work of art, let’s be honest, it’s not even that pretty. It’s really not that beautiful. It’s really not that interesting.

It’s a guy at a table with twelve other guys. It’s Why are they sitting on one side of the table? What’s going on at this table? This doesn’t look like a very good meal. These people look boring. The setting looks boring. As a, as strictly as a work of art, [00:22:00] it’s really, really not valuable. It’s not beautiful.

It’s not interesting. Frankly, it’s kind of stupid looking. Though the artwork, The Last Supper, only has meaning and purpose Because of the Last Supper, the event in Scripture, in the life of Jesus and the Apostles, that’s the only reason it has, the painting, has any value at all.

Because the painting does not exist in isolation, we cannot say that the drag show at last night’s Olympics was merely a mockery or a spoof of the painting. That is ridiculous. That is completely ridiculous.

And I want to say, too, on the flip side of things, I think it’s good that we try to see the best of things. I think that’s good. It’s important. It’s part of growing in holiness, it really is. It’s important to try to see the good [00:23:00] of things, to try to give things the benefit of doubt. That’s good. That’s a good muscle to build.

And I encourage everyone listening to this to try to build that muscle. But we, I also encourage people who are listening to this to take yourselves seriously. Yes, we should focus on the 98 percent good and try to be patient, not dismissive, but patient with the 2 percent bad. But some things are so bad that even 2 percent is a bombshell.

And we need to remember to take ourselves seriously again, seriously enough that we recognize that. Hey, Jesus, take it easy. They’re only changing money. These are just money changers. Jesus, take it easy. They’re just selling doves. Okay, they’re gouging the price a little bit, but they’re just selling doves.

Jesus, take it easy. Stop making my father’s house a den of thieves. Jesus harkens back, I think, to this, what I just read from the [00:24:00] book of Jeremiah. If you no longer shed innocent blood, yada yada, if you no longer do these awful things or follow strange gods to your own harm. Only then will I remain with you in this place.

Has this house, which bears my name, become in your eyes a den of thieves? It’s really, really important to see the good of things. It’s also really important to see reality when it punches you right in the mouth. And this is a reality that I think punches us right in the mouth, and we have become so indifferent.

We have become so morally indifferent. And we call that tolerance, but tolerance is not supposed to be moral indifference. We’ve become so morally indifferent, so spiritually numb, so bent on inaction, because we feel like, well, to act, well, that means you’re crazy, if you act or react to this. We’ve become so convinced of this nonsense, that there are well intentioned, well meaning people, Christians and non Christians, Who think this is really no big deal calm down No It’s a [00:25:00] big deal I’m going back to this article in just a second, but I want to say this I want to caution against seeing this as an atomic bomb This drag show it is not I want to cause strongly caution against A response fueled by rage because that is wrong And it’s just unjust.

It doesn’t need a rageful response. But it deserves a response. As Bishop Barron said, and this was a quote, to let your voices be heard. I’m not saying we should storm the castle. Tear the king and queen out of their cushy seats and behead them. I’m not saying we should be over the top. But we also shouldn’t be over the top in the opposite direction.

Complete inaction. I’m sorry, this deserves a [00:26:00] response. And to be angry about this is normal. That’s just. That’s normal. To be rageful about it, Eh, you’re going too far. Don’t be rageful about it. But it does deserve a response of some kind. Peaceful. Let me be clear, because I know there are some imbeciles out there, some of them Christian, some of them conservative, who are saying, yep, that’s right, we ought to storm the castle and kill them all!

Grab your guns, hoss! Let’s storm the castle and kill them all! Even Christians, even conservatives, holy crap, I just gotta say. So, for, in recognition of the fact that there are people on social media who are absolutely crazy, on the left and on the right. I have to be this clear. I am not saying we should respond in a way that is violent or rageful.

We should always [00:27:00] respond in a way that is peaceful, but understand that peaceful does not mean inaction. It does not mean that a response should be non existent. If you look at a peaceful body of water, it’s still, it’s calm, But the body of water is there, right? There’s life inside of it, right? The body of water does.

It’s not just sitting there. It’s flowing, even though it’s, it’s, it’s still on the surface, but it’s flowing somewhere. It’s coming from some place. There’s life inside of it. It exists. It acts. It has being, even though it’s still. Even though it is still. It is not non existent or inactive. And that’s how we should be.

Peace does not mean inaction. Sometimes peace means, a, a, a, a very measured action. Sometimes peace means waiting to act. But peace does not [00:28:00] mean inaction. And a response to an injustice does not mean rage. It does not mean violence. Just want to make that clear. Because I know there are people out there and I’m, I’m, I’m sorry to put it this way.

But over the past week, I can’t believe some of the things I’ve observed. From Christians and conservatives. So let’s just be frank, there are some people out there who are just crazy. They’re crazy. They’re crazy. They don’t know it. They don’t know it, but they’re crazy. So I have to be this clear so that I don’t inadvertently trigger a riot started by crazy people who heard me say this deserves a response.

I am not saying it deserves or even warrants a violent response or a rageful response or an over the top response. Let’s move on. Going back to the [00:29:00] article. Meanwhile, in reparation for the blasphemy, Bishop Donald Hying of Madison, Wisconsin, immediately called on all Catholics to fast and pray and renew our devotion to the Eucharist, the Sacred Heart, and the Virgin Mary.

Let me go back and say all of that again. In reparation for the blasphemy, Bishop Donald Hying of Madison, Wisconsin, immediately called on all Catholics to, quote, fast and pray, renew our devotion to the Eucharist and the Sacred Heart and the Virgin Mary, end quote. He goes on to say, May Jesus be adored and loved in every tabernacle throughout the world, Hying added, in a post on X, in which he thanked the Lord for the Eucharist, end quote.

The Last Supper and his, quote, love for us. Bishop Daniel Flores of Brownsville, [00:30:00] Texas, was also quick to share his reaction, stating, my vocabulary is not varied enough to find a word for the feeling in the pit of my stomach, end quote, and asserting that people of all Christian faith, quote, deserve more respect.

So, I believe, I agree with Bishop Flores. Here, except I would add again, again, see, here’s what we have. We have the French bishops whose hearts and thoughts go out to all Christians. Well, that, that’s nice. That’s really nice. Thank you. Merci. And then we have Bishop Hying of Wisconsin calling on all Catholics in his diocese.

He doesn’t have authority to bind all Catholics outside of his diocese to this, but he’s imploring His own Catholic people, his own Catholics, to fast and pray to renew our devotion to the Eucharist. So, Bishop Hying has God in mind. [00:31:00] He has a response in mind, whereas the French bishops do not. That was not a response that they issued.

That was just a reaction. Bishop Hying has a response in mind, ordered toward God, making reparation to God and the Sacred Heart and so on. And then Bishop Flores of Brownsville also has a response in mind. This one oriented more toward Christians. And that’s fine, because Christians are offended by this.

And I believe God is also offended by this. So Hying orienting the response to God and Flores orienting the response to Christian people, I think that’s appropriate. What the French bishops did Was they just shouted, mon dieu, and they went back to watching their Pepe Le Pew cartoons. And eating snails.

I’m sorry, what the French, the French, the French bishops should [00:32:00] have had the strongest response to this. And what they did was basically they went, boy that’s a hell of a thing, and they went back to their own business. Our thoughts go out to you. Keep them! You can keep your thoughts. Keep them.

Flores sentiments were also echoed by non Christians. Quote, Even as a Jew, I am infuriated by this outrageous insult to Jesus and Christianity, said Dr. Eli David. He panned the opening ceremonies as reflecting a Europe that is culturally dying. The world’s materially richest man, Elon Musk, also called the spectacle, quote, extremely disrespectful to Christians.

For his part, United States Senator Marco Rubio, a Catholic, responded to what he called the Olympic Freak Show by quoting Jude 118, quote, In the last time, there will be scoffers who live [00:33:00]according to their own godless desires. In the last time, there will be scoffers who will live according to their own godless desires.

And my friends, that is not just drag queens at an Olympics opening ceremony. That is many people in the world. Sometimes that is you, and sometimes that is me. And some commit these offenses more egregiously than others.

It does not do to say, well, we’re all sinners. So, well, yeah, that’s, that’s true, but that ignores the point. That ignores the point. Listen, what is worse, what is worse, what is worse? Desecrating a statue of, let’s just say, St. Jude? Or desecrating a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary? What do you think is worse?

I’ll leave it to you. [00:34:00] Now, what do you think is worse? Desecrating a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary? Or desecrating a crucifix? I’ll leave it to you to decide. Which one is worse? What is worse? Desecrating a crucifix? Or desecrating the Holy Eucharist? We understand, folks, that some things are worse, some offenses are worse than others, right?

Because some things offend things, some things are offensive to, I’ll just use the word things, some things are more offensive to things that are deeper and more serious or more important. I’ll say it again. God let the entire nation of Israel into the Promised Land, but he stopped Moses from entering because Moses doubted him once.

Well, what about the rest of Israel? The rest of Israel? They were always worshipping false gods and this and that. [00:35:00] But some things are lines in the sand. And because Moses was given the most, he was held accountable. For things like doubting God once, not every offense is an equal, is equal to every other offense.

Let me just go back to X real quick, see if there were any comments I wanted to verbally respond to before I go. Um, strongly amen, no, amen, there was a couple of atheists who responded to me. It’s like, atheists, you just don’t get it. First of all, some of you are just taking the opportunity to, to. What you think is slapping a Christian in the face, but really you’re just showing yourselves to be dumbasses because what you say is so empty and just so impotent.

I, I, I have like four or five responses from atheists. Like I responded to one or two of them and You know, leaving multiple responses. You know, they were doing. I just [00:36:00] did one or two responses to one or two of them and that was it. It’s like, I’m just done wasting my time responding to stupidity. Like, I’m sorry, I just can’t.

You know, if a little child says, You’re fat and ugly and stupid! What am I going to do? Punch him in the face? Smack him in the mouth? Am I even going to argue with him? Why? He’s a child saying something ridiculous. Why waste my time? Someone on Twitter said, Where is the Vatican? I have to, I want to point this out.

Because one of the things I said last night was, will the Vatican respond to this? Someone, I think they responded to that statement that I made, saying this. Where is the Vatican? They pronounce on a Latin mass, but silence on this. I completely agree. I completely, totally agree. The Vatican is spending their time contemplating the Latin mass, whether or not it should be restricted, or this or that.

You know what? I This should be priority. Things like this. Things like this. Not the [00:37:00] Latin Mass. Let ordinaries of diocese worry about the Latin Mass in their diocese. I’m not saying the Vatican has no right or authority. I’m not saying any of that. All I’m saying is, the Vatican needs to have its sights set a little differently.

This is the kind of thing we need the Vatican to be attentive to, I think. It’s my opinion, it’s not objective. It’s only my opinion. Quiet refusal to engage with the spectacle on any level. Calm explanation to the questioner as to why you aren’t watching it. And prayer for reparation is the way to go.

Yeah, I agree with that. I agree with that. A couple of political responders, I’m not interested in that. Okay, so I get, I think that’s, I think I’ve said everything I wanted to say. Um, and just to highlight again, this was not, listen, it is a lie. Okay. That we are being told or that we tell ourselves to calm ourselves down.

It is a lie that this is only a [00:38:00] mockery of a painting. Nonsense. Nonsense. Because the painting only has meaning because of what it depicts. This is a mockery of the Last Supper. Make no mistake about it. Otherwise, why would they be doing this? Why not just mock some other painting? But they’re mocking the Last Supper in a Christian nation In the eldest daughter of the church, we’re on, on, I guess, the land of the eldest daughter of the church.

And it’s, it’s a smack in the face against Christian culture. I’m sorry, it just is. Usually, the opening, uh,the opening ceremony of the Olympics harkens back to, or, or, or, I guess, spotlights and highlights the host country’s culture. History stuff like that. You didn’t see that here. What you saw was an insult to the to the host country’s culture in history because [00:39:00] frankly And I hope there are english speaking french people listening to this for just this just this next few seconds There would be no france Without the catholic church.

I’m gonna say it again There would be no france without the catholic church And if you resist that fact You’d better study your history, mon frere. There would be no France without the Catholic Church. And someone, or some persons, representing French people, the French government, the French nation, whatever, there are persons representing France who permitted that atrocity last night.

You should be ashamed of yourselves. And frankly, all of France All of France should be outraged over this. I don’t care if they’re secular. I don’t care if they’re atheists. There would be no France without the Catholic Church. [00:40:00] And what happened last night is a mockery of French history and French culture.

And a mockery of God, a mockery of Jesus Christ, a mockery of Christian history, and a mockery of Christians. And frankly, it’s a mockery of the most precious blood of Jesus and the sacred body. It is a mockery of the Holy Eucharist. Make no mistake about it, folks. Make no mistake about it. The devil is behind that performance.

And whether or not the people acknowledge it, the devil knows it. What does he know? He knows that the Holy Eucharist is the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ. And he has made it his mission to discredit the real presence. Whether or not the drag queens, or the producers, or the audience recognize this themselves, it is the truth.

The devil knows it, and the devil is doing this to mock not just an event in Christian history, he’s doing it to mock the Eucharist. Believe it. Trust and believe it. [00:41:00] And that’s all I’ve got to say about that. I stand by what I said in my comments. I stand by what I’m saying here. If you disagree, that’s okay.

I don’t, I have no interest in living in an echo chamber. You can disagree and tell me so. But please also tell me why, so that I understand you. I want to be able to understand what you’re saying and why you’re saying it. You know? Let’s learn from each other. And if you have something to teach me, man, you would be doing me a favor by teaching me.

I, and I say this all the time, and you’re going to hear me say it a thousand times more because it’s the truth. I am not interested in being right. This is not a right or wrong thing. You just want to be right, so you’re just going to think whatever you want. No, no, no. I’m not interested in being right.

I’m interested in being correct. I’m interested in the truth. And if I am wrong, and you correct me, why, why, why should I resist that? I want to be corrected, because for me it’s all about being correct. It’s not about being right. If I’m wrong, if I’m incorrect and you have something to offer that [00:42:00]corrects me, why would I resist that?

I wouldn’t resist that. I may argue back and forth with you because if I’m not yet convinced and then over time be convinced that could happen, right? My initial pushback doesn’t mean I’m resisting being corrected. This is just part of the process of being corrected as the back and the fourth. So please don’t be shy.

If you disagree with me, drop a comment and tell me so. And do me the, just please do me the favor of telling me why you disagree. Okay? Just tell me why you disagree so that I understand you. Because, to me, understanding is very important. That’s why I never have simple answers to questions. Because I don’t just want to give answers.

I want to give people understanding. I want people to understand why the answer is what it is. So please, if you, if you disagree, don’t, don’t be shy. Drop a comment. I’m not going to hate you. I’m not going to slap you in the face. I’ll I’m just asking also for the favor of please explain why you disagree what you disagree with and and specifically why because I want to understand you

This turned out to be a much longer [00:43:00] Broadcast and I plan maybe I’ll make this I guess I’ll make this like an official episode of the Catholic experience Because it’s about substantial as a podcast ought to be it’s not just a general like just a couple of things Brief thoughts in a little broadcast.

I guess it turned out to be a podcast episode With that in mind This is the catholic adventure and you’ve been listening to a special episode of the catholic experience podcast Follow me on x at for the queen bvm or on facebook at catholic adventurer See the link in my bio if you’d like to listen to more of my podcast episodes if you’d like, um, Direct links to some, you know, some of my latest content articles, whatever.

Please say hail Mary for me and for my family. And I thank you very much for it. God bless you. God be with you all. Don’t let the bad guys win. Bye bye.

In this episode I address the controversial drag show at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics, which mocked the Last Supper  and discuss the pushback I’ve received on social media.

I elaborate on the reaction (and inaction) from the French bishops and how it contrasts to responses from other prominent Catholic figures. I offer my personal thoughts on religious mockery, and advocate for peaceful yet firm responses. 

Join me as I explore the implications of this event and call for proper reactions from the Catholic community. 


  • 01:18 Pushback and Diverse Opinions 
  • 04:52 Critique of the French Bishops’ Response 
  • 16:18 Scriptural Reflections and Broader Implications 
  • 21:50 Critique of The Last Supper Artwork 
  • 22:45 The Importance of Seeing the Good 
  • 23:11 Taking Ourselves Seriously 
  • 23:40 Jesus and the Money Changers 
  • 24:18 Moral Indifference and Tolerance 
  • 24:42 Responding to Injustice 
  • 26:20 Peaceful Responses to Outrage 
  • 29:02 Reactions from Religious Leaders 
  • 31:45 Criticism of French Bishops 
  • 32:18 Broader Cultural Implications 
  • 41:09 Call for Constructive Dialogue 
  • 42:58 Conclusion and Sign-Off

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