Prelude: Focus and Attention

If you're reading this line, you're one of the few who made it this far. Read on.

Prelude to a Podcast: Focus and Attention

If you’re reading this, you’re one of the few who got even this far. Congratulations. This is a prelude to my next podcast episode about focus and attention.

Most people today suffer from a lack of focus, misplaced focus, or an overabundance of attention on the wrong things. This is a human phenomenon, not just a “Catholic” one. But it’s particularly dangerous in the spiritual life, to faith, and to Catholic identity.

As I said in the opening of this post, if you’re reading this line, you’re one of the few who are. People’s attention spans are very thin, and they’ll only devote their attention to shock, awe, and drama. If they have to “work” (read a lot), they lose interest. If it’s positive, they usually lose interest. If it corrects a misconception they have about a topic of drama/shock/awe they’re turn away. It’s the reason for click-bait titles and headlines being so popular. It’s also why puff pieces have declined in news reportage while sordid stories and sex-laced nonsense have increased in frequency and commonality over the past decade. How does it affect spirituality?

What has your mind has your will. What you do to your mind, you do to your will. If poison is in your mind, it comes out through your will—your words and your actions. The difference between “Please, God, punish those sinners” and “Forgive them, they know not what they do” is a will prompted by a mind whose focus and attention are not disfigured. A daily mass-goer can be the most unholy scoundrel (ask Arius), or he can be the most beautiful saint. What makes the difference? Focus and Attention.

I’ll cover this in my next episode, with an after-show provided on my Discord channel (invite link in bio). Broadcast live to X and here on my website (on the Live page), today or tomorrow. Please consider signing up for my newsletter

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